Abstract Slice of Life Photo Contest
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What is a Photograph
A photograph,is really different things to different people, it primarily and historically has become a source of reference documenting past events. It is, and I am not going to go delving into the History, types and migrations from and about Photography.
Suffice to say it is a tool, which we use to record events, details moments in time for detailed study and analysis.
Many years ago, I attended a product launch of one of the newest generations (at that time) of a Super Computer. The preamble to this "unveiling" was a demonstration on two of the latest developments of the camera.
- The Camera-less Film
- The Film-less Camera
This was way back in the Mid to Late '80's.
The Camera-Less Film
The "Camera", was actually the packaging for the film. Much like a smaller version of a "Brownie Box", only it was disposable, single use only. The film would then go to the labs and be processed, you paid for and picked your Negatives, Prints and next "Camera".
The Film-Less Camera
This was the birth of the first digital camera, this is where light was stored as light. You then entered that world Pixels, and all sorts of strange technology.
Your Home PC was your darkroom, your software packages your developers. Your printer printed your photographs.
The whole world changed. It became digital, your images could be enhanced and used in a myriad of ways.