Creating 3-D Mosaic Artwork
How to Create 3-D Mosaics: an Introduction
3-D mosaics are a fun way of experimenting with mosaics and potentially creating a project that will amaze you!
Now, of course many people may think of 3-D mosaics as cementing mosaic to an urn, vase, piece of furniture, etc. Actually, when I speak of 3-D mosaics, I mean creating a mosaic upon a flat surface but in such a way that you can see and feel that it is no longer a 2 dimensional work of art, but a 3 dimensional creation!
The best way to obtain this is to work with more than just one medium (ceramic). Use stained glass, vitreous glass tiles, pebbles, stones, broken pottery shards, old dishes, shells, buttons, use your imagination! The general rule of thumb is: if you can stick it in cement, you can mosaic it!
The mediums I work with on a constant basis are ceramic, glass (tiles, pebbles, sea glass), pebbles and stones. In my next hub, I will detail out the procedure in gluing the chosen medium to your project.
© 2008 K D Martel