Early Flowers of Spring Photos - Crocus, Daffodil, Siberian Squill
I love flowers. Flowers make me happy. For me, all flowers are beautiful. But flowers of spring are much more than beautiful, they make my heart sing. Oh yes, just like in Jimi Hendrix song, "Wild thing, you make my heart sing."
To see little bursts of bright hues of yellow, blue, and purple here and there, on the ground that is still covered with dried leaves, twigs, and trash, is so refreshing. To see early spring flowers means "Woohoo, winter is over! Bring out the shorts and tees." Yes! No more singing "Oh the weather outside is frightful, ..."
I live in Toronto, where the joke is that the four seasons are: almost winter, winter, still winter, and Labor Day. Last winter was definitely an exception. It was unbelievably mild and short. To actually experience spring in springtime, is surreal. I feel like singing Louis Armstrong's song "What A Wonderful World."
And today, the early spring flowers are in full bloom. This is so exciting. And guess what? I am actually singing Pointer Sisters' song ...
I'm so excited,
And I just can't hide it,
I'm about to lose control
And I think I like it.
Here are some photos I took of the early flowers of spring in my neighborhood: the crocus, the daffodil, and the Siberian squill (Scilla siberica "Spring Beauty").
The Crocus
Crocus is usually the very first flower you see in the beginning of spring. Crocus flowers only grow about 4 to 6 inches tall. Their leaves are tall and pointy at the tip, similar to grass only a little bit wider, with a white stripe in the middle. Crocus flowers have a distint cup-shaped and usually have three stamens. Crocus blooms bright flowers of yellow, purple, and white.
The Daffodil
The Daffodil is another flower that blooms in early spring. Daffodils have a very distinct look with their yellow, trumpet-shaped blossoms. Narcissus is the Latin or botanical name for daffodils. Daffodils come in many colors, not just yellow. But generally speaking, daffodils are yellow, and range from yellow-and-white, yellow-and-orange, white-and-orange, pink, and lime-green.
The Siberian Squill
The Siberian squill is also known as Scilla siberica "Spring Beauty." This miniature early spring flower is extremely hardy, low-maintenance, and self-seeding. One mature bulb will produce three to four thin scapes that are three to six inches high. Each scape has one to three drooping, bell-like, deep blue flowers with blue anthers.
To get you in the mood for spring, here's Elvis Presley singing "Spring Fever" in Girl Happy (1965)...
Have a delightful spring, everyone!
Did you know? by Rosie2010
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