Love - In My Words
What Love Is All About
© 2012 LaDena Campbell aka justateacher
Love. Just the word brings happiness to people. There are many kinds of love. You can love that new reality show. You can love that shirt you bought. You really love that new house. You love your job. There’s brotherly (and sisterly) love and love for your country. And of course, there’s romantic love. But I think the absolute best love is the love for a child.
I was only seventeen when I gave birth to my first child. Tabitha was a beautiful baby. The first time I held her in my arms, I was convinced that there was no better love in the world. I was then and still am convinced. I knew I could never love anyone more than her. Then along came Tami. My heart grew. Those two little girls were the best things ever in my life. I loved them unconditionally and would do anything in the world for either one of them. Again, I could love no one more than them.
A few years later, I met my second husband. I fell in love with him the moment I saw him. Even he says that’s not possible, but I did. Of course, once I really got to know him and the kind of man he was, I fell even deeper in love with him. He brought his two children with him. After meeting them and getting to know them, I fell in love with them two. They were both so much like their dad in so many ways that it was impossible not to.
A few years after that, my first grandson was born. Again, I fell in love. This time, a tiny human being – a sweet little boy –stole my heart. He was just so adorable. As he grew, so did my love for him. Six months later, his little cousin was born and the process began all over again. This June, I expect it will begin again once my first granddaughter arrives. I can’t wait to shower my love on her.
There are many kinds of love in the world. But nothing beats the love for a child.