Art Education: How To Paint Faces With Funny Hair
Drawing faces and painting funny hair on them is a fun way to spend time with your children, nephews, or nieces. You can even do it yourself just for kicks!
Materials Needed:
- a piece of paper
- a permanent pen
- some ink or watery poster paint
- a medicine dropper
- a drinking straw
Step 1:
Let your child draw any face he likes with a permanent marker on a piece of paper. Have fun with it—make a story about the face as he draws. It might have seen a scary creature or is simply walking along depending on what your child draws. And don’t worry if it’s just a simple drawing.
Step 2:
Then using the medicine dropper, let him carefully blob some ink or watery poster paint on the hairline of his caricature from one ear to the other.
Step 3:
Next comes even more fun: let him point the drinking straw towards the blob of paint and start blowing through it! You can let him blow upwards to create standing-on-end hair, sidewards to create an its-windy-outside look, or downwards to make a ghost! Continue your story to match the hair.
Step 4:
When both of you are finished, leave the paper on a flat surface to dry. Remember: Tell your child not to pick up his masterpiece until it’s dried or the paint might drip all over the floor!
*Demonstration by Teacher Stella. Photos by Teacher Susan.