Pencil Sketch Collection
By Karishma Hyder
When we think of drawing we think of the use of hand, the articulate movements and the fine strokes. However, I have found out through my own experience that drawing has more to do with the power of observation than the real act of drawing. Sometimes, I stare at an object for a really long time just to understand how the lines should flow and how to give that right amount of mischief in the eyes. The drawing bit takes about 30 to 40 minutes after the lengthy observation. Those who try to draw should know that sometimes it is difficult to draw a very simple form. For example: I was trying to draw a girl with a long neck. The picture I took reference from seemed like a simple one. Make the neck a bit longer than usual and I should be able to capture her essence. Unfortunately, every time I drew her neck it looked like that of a duck’s! Lanky and not at all feminine. What I did after numerous attempts was just sit and stare at the picture and tried to understand how the lines flew. I do not know how I do it, but sometimes smooth and slanted lines turn up after a lengthy observation. I do not know if it would or does work for others, but I feel like this technique works for me.
When drawing on paper, I rarely draw with anything other than pencil and I almost never use colour. Drawing females is my favourite subject and drawing scenarios and nature is something that I am terrible at. Other than the last two drawings, all the drawings were done during my mid-teen years. I haven’t drawn much on paper recently as I have been busy drawing graffitis on facebook.
I never took any art class so please do not judge me harshly. Constructive criticism is welcome. Please feel free to comment.
- Art on Facebook: Graffiti
Drawing is what I have enjoyed doing since I was a child. I started drawing people portrayed on the front cover of the latest book I was reading. Soon I started looking for photographs of women to draw on my...