Places Every Photographer Should Visit
Must See Photo Destinations
Being able to take pictures in scenic locations is great. But even though a photographer or anyone aspiring to be a good professional photographer has gotten around to photograph very nice,interesting and pleasant locations there are some places that are in a must list of best places to photograph.
Granted some of these locations are exotic, you need to travel there (if you are not lucky enough to live in one of them), need to spend money, research the local customs and laws these places can and probably will offer a good, keen photographer with many very striking and gorgeous images.
So getting the right gear, making the right plans and going there with a photographer's mindset are the first steps.
End of the World
Let's take Antarctica for example a very inhospitable and unforgiving locations accessible by special means only like specialized tours on boat or plane.
There is nowhere else where you can capture images of rarely seen fauna like seals, and penguins and keep in mind that nothing beats seeing one of these creatures first hand instead of in a zoo.
Not to mention the overall beauty and spectacle that icebergs and merging polar caps can offer.
By the way if you can visit Antarctica you should complement your traveling by visiting the North Pole where Polar bears are found as well as the local Eskimos.
Antarctica is definitely on the list of must see places at least once in a lifetime, even if you are not into photography.
Very few places offer such as striking combination of subjects in such harsh conditions but well worth the effort.
Iceland's Natural Wonders
Cold Climate
Speaking of cold climates next on the list should be Iceland. Ice covered mountains, plenty of mountain ranges, open wild flowers patches, northern light shows and off course any of the many volcanoes that make up this country (there are over 140 of them) are all among the best scenes that should be captured on film (or sensor) at least once by any photographer.
Iceland is definitely one of the best locations if you like night shots and landscapes.
Don't forget to capture images of the locals and their housing which are always elegant and striking in color as as any of their many harbors.
Best times are probably during the early part of winter.
Thailand Temple Scenes
Mongolia is next on the list. There are countless numbers of images that will set your work a part.
It is not the most accessible part of the world nor can you count on five star hotels all of the time but definitely worth it.
The people, who are always friendly and willing to help, their culture, their unusual activities like camel racing and many of their nomadic groups way of life as well as their humble yet colorful abodes.
Any of these can make for some exciting traveling photographic journal photographic entries by themselves but as a group they are sure to stand out and capture anyone's imagination and desire to visit.
Be prepared for some unexpected sights as the cities are overpopulated, really congested and smog is a common problem.
If you like nature, wild life, exotic cultures and plenty of scenic beaches then Thailand is on the list.
Rain forests, plenty of exotic wildlife, plenty of pristine and beautiful beaches, mountain ranges and the culture are all in the list of things to photograph while on your visit.
Don't forget temples and shrines as well as some of the meticulous maintained gardens that abound in this beautiful country.
Be aware that this country has some strict regulations in regards to their religious temples and shrines in regards to photography and general expectations from visitors.
Avail yourself of as much information as possible regarding these before planning your trip.
Maasai Tribe-Africa
Which nature loving photographer has not dreamed of going to Africa on a wild safari? Probably not many as this part of the world will yield very beautiful wildlife subject matter which can often show you the good side along with the raw power of nature uncut and uncensored. The beginning of life and death all in a day's shoot.
Besides nature in all her glory there are many opportunities for landscapes as Africa counts with vast expanses of open land, mountain ranges, desserts and snow covered mountain tops.
Add to this an exciting variety in cultures like the Maasai tribe and your adventure is bound to be an exciting one not to mention the many great images which you will take back home.
Liked this so far and do any of these countries fall within your photographic goals?
New Zealand Scenes
New Zealand
New Zealand has striking landscapes and it is said by many to be a bird lover's paradise. Very few places feature such an amazing collection of exotic bird species in just as many exciting color schemes.
It provides many five star accommodations, has an exiting nightlife, rich cultural heritage, diversity of cultures and even pleasing beach scenes.
The Maori culture is alive and well and you can see many of their traditions in daily life as well as during some national festivities.
If you want to see what an island nation is truly like then this set of islands which make up New Zealand is a definite must.
Last on your list should be a country like Italy.
Rich in culture and history, this country will present the photographer with plenty of architectural wonders, many artistic creations by masters such as Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vincy.
The night life is vibrant and fast moving and full of interesting friendly characters.
Amassing churches and cathedrals are almost in every corner not to mention beautiful Roman ruins.
This is sure to be among the top destinations of everyone, photographer or not.
Do not forget to visit Venice, especially during one of their famous festivals where you are bound to come across many revelers donned in exquisite masks along many of its beautiful canals and in the company of gondoliers.
India/Holi Festival/Tiger
Visiting India should prove to be no less deserving that any of the aforementioned locations.
Rich in cultural artifacts and locations, with plenty of wild life and forests, amazing festivals for both people and sacred animals and the chance of capturing an image of a tiger, live and in the wild, are some of the best reasons for paying a visit to this beautiful country.
Some of the shots should also include city life. Very congested but full of life and activity and if by chance you happen to come up to some of the street festivities like the one where people bathe themselves in colored dry powder, then your trip and experience are complete.
"Holi is a spring festival also known as the festival of colours or the festival of love"....Holi celebrations start with a Holika bonfire on the night before Holi where people gather, sing and dance. The next morning is a free-for-all carnival of colours,[5] where participants play, chase and colour each other with dry powder and coloured water, with some carrying water guns and coloured water-filled balloons for their water fight. Anyone and everyone is fair game, friend or stranger, rich or poor, man or woman, children and elders." Wikipedia
© 2014 Luis E Gonzalez