"Rock On" Stone Sculptures in the Ottawa River, Remic Rapids, Ottawa
Tourist Attractions in Ottawa Ontario Canada
Ottawa is Canada's national capital. The city is beautiful with greenbelts and bicycle pathways enabling you to discover the beauty of nature up close and personal. It just may be one of the most beautiful cities in Ontario with the mighty Ottawa River flowing right beside it. Come with me and enjoy one of my favourite spots on the Ottawa River, Remic Rapids and the beautiful, Rock Sculptures that take on a life of their own as the sun traverses the sky above!
This is just one of many Ottawa locations offering spectacular sights for free and this is one I enjoy immensely. I had the good fortune to capture some great photographs with the changing light. See if you can pick out the people in these photos! I inadvertently made some photgraphers part of the display, but I think they add a touch of tongue in cheek humour...with apologies to the sculptor of these beautiful rock creations, John Felice Ceprano.
The year, 2011, marks the 25th Anniversary of Mr. Ceprano's creations and he has invited other artists to join him this summer along the shore of the Remic Rapids to add their unique creations to his. If you are in Ottawa this summer be sure to take a side trip to Remic Rapids!
Beautiful Natural Rock Sculptures at Remic Rapids on the Ottawa River in Ottawa Canada
Background History
The rock sculptures began to take shape in 1986. John Felice Ceprano, the artist, who immigrated to Canada from Providence, Rhode Island in 1978 and became a Canadian citizen in 1991, picks natural rock, many that contain fossils and erects the displays each spring. The winter ice and snow tend to destroy the displays and they are re-built by the artist each spring. He works alone creating these thought provoking, beautiful and inspiring natural sculptures. The artist calls the location a "power spot" and I agree, there is a quality to the location that is indeed "powerful"!
John Felice Ceprano uses the same rocks to create new displays each year. The rocks remain on site and are balanced naturally and allowed to fall apart with the seasons. So the displays are fresh every year and are totally eco friendly. Even the ducks love them!
If you take the time to enjoy the creations, you can see a theme emerging. In these photos of the sculptures, I see people going about their business and the fact I have photographers in amongst them only heightens the effect adding a bit of whimsy. I think I also see birds! You are quite welcome to see nothing except the beauty of rock and water and the changing light!
Creations of Natural Wonder
If You Missed the 25th Anniversary Display...Here it is in November!
Location of the Remic Rapids Stone Sculptures
Here is the location of the sculptures pictured in this Hub!