So??? Where have you been?
It's Been a While!
Hellluuurrr!!! I haven't seen you guys in a hot minute! I don't even know if the community I grew to know and love is even still here anymore. However, I'm more than willing to make new friends and get to know all you new (to me) hubbers! Anyone who used to read my hubs knows that I hung around in the forums and loved reading everyone's work and commenting on everything I read. It's been a few years since I've been here, and there's a reason for that...
I Have Found Another Love
It's true. I still love writing, probably more than my new love, but my new love is quite satisfying on the creative front as well. I have fallen headlong into..... cake art. Yep, I'm pretty awesome at it, too. So much so, that I've recently decided to combine my TWO loves for one amazing beast! Cake art tutorials on HubPages! I haven't seen many articles about simple cake decorating and do's and don'ts of cake art, so I may as well go ahead and contribute! The plain and simple truth is I love to teach, and I love to bake, and I LOVE TO WRITE!!! So, I'm gonna do my best to teach you guys what I'm doing.
I'll start these articles the same way I started my YouTube videos - with the bare bones basics. Then we can move on to more complicated technical details and how-to's for more advanced bakers and decorators! Since I'm mostly self-taught, I wish I had someone to show me the things that I needed to know. But I learned by trial and error (lots and lots of error!!!) and still learn brand new things every single day.
I'm Devoting a Lot of Time Elsewhere
I was once able to contribute a lot of time to developing hubs, writing poetry, finding gorgeous pictures to go along with the scenery in my head - but lately all my time has gone into marketing myself, taking orders, concept design, and answering questions regarding my cake business. It's enough to make your head spin! So rather than focusing on HubPages, I've been trying to make my presence known in the cake world via Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. I'm also on a lot of those cake forum sites (like Cake Central) and I've put some stuff on Pinterest. But now, I've decided that since I can keep up with all those sites, why not bring HubPages into the mix as well? I already take pictures of my finished work, how much more difficult would it be to do during the process and create tutorials? Not too hard at all, methinks.
I've Missed You!
While I've been drowning myself in cake art, I find myself constantly thinking about what's going on with some of my favorite writers. I'll check HubPages from time to time to see the new content, but I just simply have not devoted any time to upkeep and writing. I also haven't been commenting or participating in forums as I once did. Now I have written out a planner. This planner tells me when I'm going to have an extra hour or two to kill, and I'm going to take that extra time to start developing new hubs for everyone to enjoy! I wonder how many of you I originally befriended are even still around? *Pink Floyd music starts playing ~ Is there anybody.... out there???
In Conclusion
I'm super excited to start this new little adventure. I felt like my creative writing brain was about to explode from non-use while being bombarded with cake art overload. So now that I finally figured out how to mix my two loves, I'm gonna jump in with both feet. I hope it's well received! I'm sure I'll be able to fit some of my trademark twisted humor in there, too. Because, you know - it's me. I can't just do something serious. You can't take life too seriously, you know. You definitely can't take cake too seriously. It's going to be destroyed and eaten in a matter of minutes. And that's a beautiful thing!