How To Draw Zombies Step By Step Guide - Drawing Zombies With Photo And Videos
How To Draw Zombies
To draw a zombie is to be as creative as possible with the right areas of your imagination all poured out on to the paper you are going to draw on. Drawing a zombie is what we will go through here with step by step illustrative photo guides and art video tutorials along the way. It makes sense to go into detail about drawing the subject of Zombies and so here we will.
In the Zombie picture drawing guide below you can see how a Zombie figure can be sketched out on paper and you can actually have a go yourself, the idea is just to have a go at drawing a Zombie and study all you can, maybe look up online for skeleton drawings or photos to aid your zombies design and then see about searching for figure drawing tutorials on Google to get an idea about drawing some good figures.
Click each image in order to see each step to help your Zombie drawing....
Drawing A Zombie Figure Step By Step In Pencil Draft
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeDrawing Pencils For Sketching Zombies
Drawing A Zombie
Drawing A Zombies Hand
Here is a small picture guide on drawing a Zombies hand and you can click on each step in order so you can get an idea on how to draw a hand, Zombies hands are rarely clenched as a fist, so it's about drawing all of the fingers spread out like they are trying to grab someones face to eat.
Starting off from scratch when drawing a Zombies hand in simple terms like below is a great way of drawing anything, so have a good go at drawing it and studying it.
Draw A Zombies Hand Step By Step Illustrative Guide
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeWatch Me Draw A Zombie Emerging From A Barrel Of Toxic Waste
The following three part drawing video series was a request from a friend on YouTube and it brought back some memories whilst drawing it from my childhood of watching all the old Zombie classics like Return of the Living Dead and Romero's Dead movies. The very idea of drawing a Zombie bursting out of toxic waste is just such a cool idea and one that I enjoyed sketching.
The first video is the pencil sketch stage and I got quite a few reactions to the way I started off drawing it too as some people wondered why I drew a diagonal line and then a circle midway. And I just say, just watch the video, it's quite long at 22 minutes for a video, but I wanted to take my time really and not have to rush the Zombie drawing too much.
The original pencilled Zombie sketch was drawn with a HB pencil, I normally use a softer and more darker pencil like a 5B or 6B but my kids have been into my art stuff and lost half of my pencils Grrrrr!
Watch the first video and have a go yourself at drawing a Zombie leaping out of a toxic waste barrel.....
Drawing A Zombie Bursting Out Of Toxic Waste Art Video
Inking Toxic Waste Zombie With Gel Ink Pen
When it comes to the inking stage we use a gel ink pen or something that you might be more comfortable with like a fine line ink pen. The trick with inking is to improve the original pencil lines and add to them with more details and other cool stuff.
At the end of the long video see how the drawing looks vastly improved and different as you can see more clearly how the zombie is inked with the pen and sometimes the sketchy way that you can achieve some areas of shade and shadow.
Inking The Toxic Waste Zombie - The Inking Process Video
Coloring In The Zombie Drawing With Crayola Twistables
Crayola Twistables are my tool of choice when it comes to adding color as are the original Crayola color pencils as they are cheap to buy and my personal favorite. When applying the color I start off with the toxic waste first and then work around the drawing coloring in in stages so that you can see how the process works, but it's fairly straight forward as you can just experiment with color on your own drawings and see what happens.
Coloring in the drawings is quite fun as you can bring to life a drawing that looks quite flat in just it's inked form and really make it shine and that's hopefully what I did in this video series...Mind you if I would have made these videos High Definition the file sizes would have been astronomical and would have taken hours to upload, although for quality reasons this was a shame, but any shorter videos I will make them HD as the video quality is better to watch.
Draw yourself a cool toxic waste Zombie....
Color A Toxic Waste Zombie With Crayola Twistables
Crayola Twistables - Very Affordable Pencils
How To Draw A Zombies Head In Ink Video
Draw A Zombie Head
In the following drawing video I use a fine line ink pen to sketch a loose version of a Zombie head and this is th type of art that excites me drawing without any guides as to drawing the thing, just getting on with it can be very useful for your own artistic abilities. Whatever the end result, you should try this at every chance you get.
There's no magical way of learning to draw except that age old phrase "Practice makes perfect!" whilst this doesn't necessarily mean true perfection it really means you'll start to create better art the more you draw and create new stuff. In the drawing video you'll see that the Zombies head can be sketched quite quickly and this can be learned too.
A little exercise for you to try is to draw lots of small head drawings on a sheet of A4 and try to draw them from different angles and this will give you a good image to select to begin drawing your Zombie head.
Bonus Drawing Video - Drawing A Zombie Cat
Just for fun I thought a nice video on drawing a Zombie Cat would be a nice way to round off this drawing tutorial. This Cat was modelled on no Cat in particular, just a random Cat Zombie Drawing. Here's the link - How To Draw Zombie Cat
Or, you can watch the Zombie Cat Drawing video below!