20 NEW Drawing Books (2011)
Drawing and Sketching: NEW Publications in 2011
Find out about new books about drawing and sketching published in 2011 - in hardback, paperback and ebook editions. Listings on a month by month basis but are selective and do not list every book. Each book highlights the type of format, nature of the book and the reception and reviews it has had to date.
This site focuses on fine art and art instruction books about drawing and sketching for adults.
* It INCLUDES books designed specifically for pencils artists and those keeping sketchbooks and journals.
* It EXCLUDES any reference to specialist books about cartooning, manga and drawing books for children.
Note that Amazon listings tend to carry over the ratings for hardbacks and paperbacks to the Kindle edition. High ratings do NOT equate to an excellent conversion of the printed book to ebook format. We're still waiting for Amazon to come up with a way recording people's assessments of the quality of the conversion.
"The essence of drawing is the line exploring space."
Andy Goldsworthy
January 2011 - New Drawing Books
The very popular Drawing Lab was published as an ebook and made available as a Kindle edition plus the 8th edition of the ever popular Guide to Drawing.
February 2011 - New Drawing Books
This is the most popular book about how to draw perspective. It's now available in Kindle
March 2011 - New Drawing Books
This book combines the step by step instructions from four different books originally published by Walter Foster - How to Draw the Head, Heads from Life (18), Heads from Life (18A), and 101 Heads.
April 2011 - New Drawing Books
There's a variety of opinions about this new book about contemporary drawing - from the very enthusiastic to the 'not very impressed'.
May 2011 - New Drawing Books
This month saw the publication of an absolutely classic book by Andrew Loomis - a highly revered artist and tutor. This is the first in a series of publications of facsimile editions of his highly regarded books.
June 2011 - New Drawing Books
This year sees and expansion of books about sketching and artist's journals
"A sketch has charm because of its truth - not because it is unfinished"
Charles Hawthorne
July 2011 - New Drawing Books - or are they?
This month provides a cautionary tale. Not all editions of a book are equal in their presentation and format. However this distinction is not made by Amazon and this month saw another publication of John Ruskin's famous book "The Elements of Drawing" - but this edition inherits all the Amazon ratings relating to previous editions! It's not included here as it doesn't merit inclusion.
August 2011 - New Drawing Books
Both books published in August 211 are proving to be popular and well regarded.
* Roselien Steur and Koos Eissen provide a prequel by way of follow up to their phenomenally successful "Sketching" book
* "The Drawing Projects" reviews contemporary drawing practice by profiling 15 artists and looking at how different drawings are made
September 2011 - New Drawing Books
A new Kindle edition of a Claudia Nice book from North Light Publications
October 2011 - New Drawing Books
A busy month with a lot of diverse new books about drawing being published including:
* Another of the Andrew Loomis classic books about drawing is published as a digital facsimile of the original.
* Plus a new book by Veronica Lawlor who will be well known to some bloggers from Urban Sketchers
November 2011 - New Drawing Books
Another art book by Juliette Aristides in Watson Guptill's very popular Atelier series. Plus the third in the Strokes of Genius series is published - however it is fascinating to note that the Kindle edition costs more than the hardback!
A Soldier's Sketchbook: From the Front Lines of World War II - by Joseph Farris
Amazon ratings; 4.7 out of 5 stars (13 customer reviews)
A very different sort of sketchbook. It capture the words and pictures produced by a young soldier in France and Germany between October 1944 and January 1946. The facsimile letters home include the colour sketches that he painted when he had a spare moment - and help us see the world he saw.
December 2011 - New Drawing Books
There were quite a few very BASIC books for complete novices, children and those interested in Manga published in December - presumably to catch the Christmas market. None of these are included in this site which is more concerned with Drawing within a Fine Art context. Combined "how to draw and paint" are also not included.
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