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Healing Art with SARK

Updated on March 4, 2021
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This author attended 10 consecutive Kentucky Derby races in Louisville, KY. Great memories!


SARK Inspires with Healing ART!

SARK is an artist and writer whose colorful inspiration and healing art makes hearts sing! Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy (SARK) has written and created 15 best-selling books, and created hundreds of products.

She is the founder and CEO of Planet SARK. She creates products and services to support empowered living. She was featured in the popular film "Women of Wisdom and Power" - and THAT she IS!

She is a change catalyst who provides whimsical and HIGHLY creative resources for healing arts and inspiration to transform your life and be your best authentic self.

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Get Creative Mental Nutrition with SARK!

Free your creativity and feed joy with SARK inspiration.

What SARK says about being CREATIVE...

Commit to your creative spirit by experiencing creative things- tiny or large.

Realize that you ARE creative already- you are born as a creative soul.

Engage in practices that fill your soul- then share the overflow with the world.

Avoid energies that drain you or drag you down- learn from them and then move on.

Try new things all the time- be filled and fulfilled by what you experience.

Invest in creativity- read, study, discuss creative things with creative thinking people.

Vividness is a creativity accelerator. Go find some.

Energetically shift to an active creative daily life-you are meant to live this way.

Celebrity Remarks about SARK!

SARK Kudos

"We, in the world, and this weary-old world itself, have a great gaping need for SARK. Let's call for more and more SARK to fill every book bag and each attache case."

~Maya Angelou, author

"SARK is a sparkler who jump-starts the creative process. Her ideas are user-friendly, innovative, and pragmatic....SARK's gentle and effervescent work is a festive, creative catalyst that throws open a wide and generous gate."

~Julia Cameron, author of "The Artist' Way"

"SARK's work is so delightful. She brings out the creative child in all of us. I have loved SARK and her work since the moment I met her."

~Louise Hay, author of "You Can Heal Your Life"

“In my humble opinion, this is the best book SARK has yet written.” ~ Christiane Northrup, PhD, author of The Wisdom of Menopause and Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom


Get the Planet SARK Free Newsletter.

SARK's free monthly newsletter is SUCH a's like receiving a ray of sunshine in your e-mail box! Full of brilliant colors and whimsical drawings, inspiration and food for the soul, her newsletter arrives in her own colorful handwriting - no typical font here. SARK'S e-letter a GEM in a sea of boring e-mails, sure to bring smiles and lift your heart.

Go get signed up for her free newsletter now at Planet SARK.

Creativity Advice and FUN Whimsy

SARK creates the most wonderfully uplifting and colorful books that are a whimsical marriage of words and art. She encourages mistakes and messiness.

Other ways to stimulate creativity:

  • eat mangoes naked
  • hide all the clocks in your house.
  • spend the whole day reading magazines.
  • drink the sunset. * stop worrying.*
  • be ridiculous.

More Fun Whimsy about SARK

SARK says that her first (and favorite) job was as Wake-Up Fairy in kindergarten. She is a recovering procrastinator/perfectionist who practices what she teaches, and lives in a Magic Cottage in San Francisco, CA.

Hear SARK on her Inspiration Phone Line

SARK invites you to take pleasure and inspiration from her FREE 5 minute recorded message. SARK changes the message when the spirit moves her so check back regularly.

The Inspiration Line has welcomed over 5,000 callers from all over the world each month for over 10 years. Here's the number: 415-546-3742.

More Ways to Get cReAtiVe

  • Tape a piece of paper over the TV screen with all of your ideas for new shows.
  • Get in the bathtub with candles and slices of mango and read a travel book; vicariously travel with the author.
  • Plant pots and pots of brightly colored flowers.
  • Wear bright togas and meet in a drumming circle.
  • Make more mistakes. You learn quicker.
  • Swing as high as you can on a swingset, by moonlight.
  • Practice radical self-acceptance.
  • Keep toys in the bathtub (giggles).

SARK calls her home

'the magic cottage'

Once a tool shed, it is only 180 square feet in size,

and is surrounded by a HUGE garden.

The Magic Cottage
The Magic Cottage | Source

"Glad No Matter What" Book

Glad No Matter What: Transforming Loss and Change into Gift and Opportunity
Glad No Matter What: Transforming Loss and Change into Gift and Opportunity
SARK has empowered millions of people to live their creative dreams, manage their businesses, and savor personal connections. However she experienced her own grief in the deaths of her mother and cat and the end of a treasured relationship, and was challenged to walk her talk. As she proves in this title "Glad No Matter What" she was able to journey through her own layers of grief and loss and emerge stronger and more whole. She shares the insights she found along the way in this inspiring book, her own practical strategies that we can all use to cultivate positive transformation through life’s inevitable challenges.

POLL: Got a SARK Favorite Book Title? - Vote your favorite SARK title with a quick click.

Which book title by SARK is YOUR favorite?

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WHY People Adore SARK

One reason SARK is so adored is her ability to tear down the walls we've built around ourselves and get to what she calls the 'marvelous messy middle' place of dealing with emotions in ways that are creative yet very direct. She repeatedly reminds us to be kinder to ourselves, to allow time and energy for self-reflection, to practice better ways to respond instead of to react when faced with challenges in life.

Artists Similar to SARK

  • Jill Badonsky is an artist, humorist, nationally recognized seminar leader, and creativity consultant. She has led hundreds of groups and individuals craving more creative joy. She lives in San Diego.
  • Artella is an absolutely amazing website and online artist community created decades ago by Marnie M.

Worldwide Fans of SARK Healing Art

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2009 Carolan Ross


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