Hobby Projects
Oh What to do?! more like too much to do
This lens is for any current project I'm working on be it yarn, text, drawing & so on.
I am currently working on many different projects! Yes the creativity just keeps flowing & getting into new things as well.
I've started playing around with bakeable clay to make pendants and such for when I make jewlery and for just decoration. Though when I do something small like to just try making a viking shield well it can be a bit hard esp. when you do not have the tools.
I am still trying to get these crochet poptop flowers perfected but am still a ways off (& they take a while). The one in the intro picture is an unfinished one. Once i have fnished one I will post it here, until then any mistakes I make Like the bell I will get a pic of asap so I can post it here.
I'm still trying to keep from making them tight. The last one I made well, I ended up having to think of something to turn it into, as I didn't want to rip the yarn out being I was almost finished. I turned it into a bell! (only because I happened to have a spare one froma cat toy I think it came off of!) I'm trying to figure out what color to use in the center here as I ripped that out. It was a light blue color & did not have enough yarn to do it.
When Making these be sure that the color you want to be dominant, is the one you use for the center. Oh and they can also be made with the bigger poptops off pet food also for some color.. use the tops off energy drinks. Any of your friends they use it, ask them to hold onto them for you.
(Messed up) Flower the poptops are too close together
Picture is a partially finished project.
This lens is a WIP, I am working on it as I get through the project including any mistakes. Pictures will be posted and once I am comfortable enough (& have enough pop tops for samples) I will do a video.
Popppet made May 3 2013
New Project & Silliness
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Want to make one of the flowers in the intro picture?
- You will need Soda Can Pop Tops. at least 6 per flower. (I thought of trying 8 or 10 for larger size but I'm still trying to keep from making them too tight so I'll stick to 6 for now til I get the hang of things.
-Crochet needle. (I think it was a 'C' size)
- I used Bright Bold colors try getting a little of everything & jsut remember the inside is going to end up being the 'main' color as there's more of it
from my Nana teaching me how to mkae the flower (yeah I skipped from just learning to mkae rows & went straight for a 'project pattern' Well from The flower is how I learned to jsut make bracelets! Also I have come to learn that if you use embroidery string to crochet you can also include beads on it to make beaded bracelets. (sometimes if you get it thick enough you can make it look like Knit Viking jewlery. howeer that is mostly done with wire but I have seen yarn examples)
How To Make the flowers - a starter
It would take too long for me to sit (or you to watch) & make one of the flowers and I can post no longer than 15 minutes to youtube. I have no idea how to do the whole fast forward editing etc. so when I get the chance I will do my best to break out the tripod & let you look over my shoulder, with a video of how I start it as well as how I do the middle. I will warn you, as I am only finishing up my 2nd one, I am still trying to get the hang of how close the pop tops have to be and tight the yarn etc. has to be.
I do plan though to give you a video where the angle is looking over my shoulder as to me if someone is showing me how to do something like that, if they are also right handed I need to stand beside them so I can properly learn what it is.
For now... here are a few I have found for the both of us to try
Ok this is much closer together than what I am doing with them and it looks like they are using ribbon. Thought this would bea nice little addittion