Mosaic Artwork For All!
Welcome to the Beautiful and Fascinating World of Mosaic Artwork!
Welcome to my Mosaic Art hub where I will be putting up information on how to create your own beautiful mosaics!
Mosaics dating from 8th. century BC have been found in ancient Greece in the form of pebbles that were used to create elaborate designs! By the 4th. century BC, the Romans had perfected the technique of cutting natural marble pieces in various colours to create intricate works of art that still exist today in upper class homes, temples and villas!
Earlier civilizations like the Assyrians, Egyptians and Persians also possessed the techniques of creating mosaics.
Mosaics were, and still are used today where durability, beauty and function are needed. Take a look around your town, you will find examples of mosaics everywhere from your local bar that may have a mosaic tabletop, to a theatre, or bank that may have mosaic art installed into their flooring.
© 2008 K D Martel