white trash craft; from trailer trash to vintage kitsch
lookin fer just the right thang to make yer trailer-park day-cor "pop"?
if your like me and you want to decorate your home in a motif that honors your heritage, you will love love LOVE this new piece of kitch!
my home is tastefuly decorated in an early american garage sale theme, with hints of white trash and a few trailer park over tones. the whole look was recently made perfect by the addition of the "record bowl"
easily made at home from those unwanted old LP's that you dont know what to do with, this is a fun and only mildly dangerous craft project for the whole family!
ok,... laughter asside,..
this was a fun thing we did as kids with records that were soo scratched up they wouldn't play any more, and the wood stove in our home was perfect. this could also be done on a BBQ grill or in an oven with the door open,... but the risk of fire and extreme heat will be prohibitive.
suplies around th house,....
clean empty steel can of any large size. a #10 food service can, or the smaller juice can work best. make sure its clean and the label is removed. only cut out one end!,... if both ends are removed the center of your vinyl record will get too hot,... and that's NOT GOOD.
old vinyl LP's,... the scratched up ones with no collector value,.... if you send your dads cheech & chong "up in smoke" album actualy UP IN SMOKE,.... or turn it into a candy bowl,.... your gone be in deep shit my friends,.... deep shit. and remember my crafty kido's,... those old 78's are NOT vinyl,... you cannot use them for this project,... it will be BAD,.... so just don't.
a wood stove is best, crank it up and place a fan near your legs to make the heat bearable, but don't aim the fan so as to cool the record off. as i said earlier, you could do this over a BBQ grill, but that involves open flame, and you could do this in an open oven,.... but the heat may get excessive. you could put your steel can on an electric stove burner, the old type, not the glass top,.... up to you,.... i prefer the woods stove.
a pair of oven mits or heavy gloves are a must,..... even years ago when us poor white trash kids were creating hillbilly works of art,... we had gloves.
endless uses for your new work of art,..
now that you have mastered the art of white trash pottery,.... put your new works of art to use!
no "Forigner" albums were harmed in the making of these bowls or this hub,..... so calm down.