Try Something New for your Wedding Invitations from Cafe Press, Zazzle, Arts Now, etc
All You Need is Love
Zazzle and Cafe Press, "Arts Now", Printfection and several other sites have cards that can printed with any graphic image. I have created a number of cards with wedding or engagement "worthy" designs. I hope you like them.
You can also find many artsy sort of love and marriage designs on Printfection and Printpop. You might also find appropriate shower or wedding gifts (Printfection, for example, has cutting boards; all the sites have some form of aprons, mugs, etc.). I also have a Love fabric design on Spoonflower that can be used to make a memory quilt.
These designs are particularly good for the smaller, informal wedding that is common in remarriages (or renewal of vows). But they can be part of any wedding (or engagement announcement). I hope you like these designs as much as I enjoy creating the designs.
Wedding Invitations
I've been an artist a large portion of my life. I lost my momentum at some points, but I've been working as a graphic artist at least since the 90s. One of the earliest "things" I was earning money from doing art-wise was Wedding and Bar/Bat Mitzva invitation. I designed an invitation for a Bar Mitzva early on for someone on a budget. It was self-contained; I used a brochure set up that included a postcard and we set it up with the invitation on the inside of the brochure, the addresses on the outside, and the postcard as the "reply card" (this was before e-mail RSVPs for events on a budget).
Since then, I have designed a number of invitations.
Compugraph Designs Arts Now Site
"Arts Now" is another "Print on Demand" site. They have a nice collection of products, including the card pictured here (with a floral Jewish Star on it). Click on the picture to see this card.
Invitations on Amazon
Compugraph Designs' Printfection Store
In addition to our Cafe Press and Zazzle sites (see modules above), we also have a store on "Printfection" which includes cutting boards (good wedding or housewarming gifts), mugs and cups, tees, etc.
This cutting board is only one of several Jewish themed items at our store:
(Click on the picture to go directly to this product's page)
Compugraph Designs Spoonflower Site
Spoonflower is a place where designers can design their own fabric. I have some designs on fabric there -- click on the picture to see all the fabric designs.