Can you really run your car on water?
Run your car on water?
This is as simple as ABC folks. You cannot claim that a device defies the first law of thermodynamics and get away with it unscathed.
Motor engineers like myself have put these things to the test under controlled conditions (on a dyno) hooked up to the works including a 5 gas emission analyser and an engine analyser.
We are so confident that they cannot and do not work, that one individual has offered a one million dollar prize to the maker of the first working fuel device. His money is safe. The EPA agrees after extensive tests that none work as claimed, and some damage motors.
If you are flogging a fuel saving device online STOP NOW!
This is fraud! You can go to Jail for it. I know that the Australian and American Governments are going after these devices as well as the ACCC.
The ACCC have just prosecuted one of these crooks and the rest will follow in time.
(Update. Google has started to ban the promotion of these so called fuel saving devices)
We could all guess that fuel prices will go back up. New emission and carbon taxes will hurt suppliers like Canada who get their oil from a carbon intensive process.
Next time fuel prices rise again the many fuel devices will be with us even more than now as long as they are not banned for false advertising.
Affiliate marketing schemes on the Internet will keep selling them even though they do not work at all until they are prosecuted.
Honda Accord Euro
Fuel devices simply do not work
No if's but's or maybe's They do not work at all!
That's right. Not even one of them works. It is all a big con. If you bought one of these things, I dare you to test it properly and scientifically. You will have to do better homework folks. You are wasting your money as a user or seller, and if you are a seller you will soon be looking at fines or worse, as well as private litigation. When Governments and other interested parties finish looking at these devices they will ban the sale of them, opening up the potential for buyers to sue you for a whole bunch of things.
Fuel saving fraud
A beautiful ICE for bigger vehicles
With this equipment the truth comes out on the printout.
Any four or five gas analyzer will disprove this rubbish
In my industry you will get laughed out of the room if you believe this sort of fuel/water/gas bull crap.
The first law of thermo-dynamics eliminates the possibility of these devices working, and if that is not enough proof for you, go have a look at the EPA site. They have tested more than 100 fuel saving products. That's right, none work even a little bit, and many cause more pollution and worse economy.
Here is a hubpage with a lot of EPA and product info that debunks fuel saving devices.
All the Fuel-Saving Devices that do nothing but rip you off
Here is an authoritative site that tells it all in detail with all the tech stuff as well.
Or click on the link at the bottom of this page.
Gas Savers Fraud
these so-called "gas saver" - products allegedly give better gas mileage than you could imagine.Claims of 40% savings are not uncommon from half baked home tests by people trying to justify all the expense and crap they went through to fit the useless rubbish.
Imagine on folks, independent studies by Consumer authorities the Environmental Protection Agency and MSU professors, have shown that none of these products produce significant fuel savings.A one percent saving would be enough to hit worldwide headlines and send the car industry in to a flap to be the first to gain even a one percent improvement in consumption.
Honda would love to know.
Contact Honda quick.
I just read a claim of 47% saving on fuel with a browns gas device.Cheeky! 47%? Quick, ring Honda and tell them. They will pay millions for it, as they have already spent 100's of millions to get to today's fuel efficient cars, and an improvement of 47% would allow them to dominate the entire world market.
The fuel economy race is so fierce amongst car manufacturers that if you could prove a 2% saving they would knock your door down to give you money.
I am over all the self serving conspiracy theories. They are completely false.
Do you really believe that Toyota or Honda do not know how to make one of these water conversions as an OEM when we all know they would become the world leader in car sales overnight? If so, you almost deserve one of these things fitted. Wake up. It is a pack of lies.
The Conspiracy myths.
The fuel conspiracy myths exist because too many motorists never read anything thicker than a comic, get their news from tabloids, and would not know the difference between a con-rod and a canary.
To add another bird to the mix, they are sitting ducks for fuel saving devices and other quackery!
CNN ran a story on fuel savers then the moron newsreader endorsed it!
We had a comedy show here in Australia that parodied CNN called CNN&N.
It was all about how bloody gullible and self serving CNN news is. It hit the nail on the head and had a huge following!
Fairies in the garden and gnomes in the woods with fuel saving devices strapped to their little cars. Sure I can believe that.
I liked the movie "The hitch-hiker's guide to the galaxy" solution. Send all these half-witted thieves to another planet!
Imagine going on the Internet and not finding any snake oil salesmen....what a joy that would be.
They are burning most of the bandwidth that could be used by honest people to sell stuff that worked. Come to think of it, I will go and see if someone has built a site called "stuff that real and works just like I said it would."
Gas Savers in the News
Jul-17-06: Consumer Reports claims that gas saver products just don't work. The EPA tested 109 products and found none of them worked.[ABC NEWS]
Aug-06-04: MSU Professors claim that fuel additives and fuel saver products have a "minor effect" or are completely bogus. No great breakthroughs here. [MSU]
You do not have to take my word for this as you can find the truth at any of the links provided, and the evidence is damning. You will never see or hear any motor engineers promoting them. Motor engineers went to school.
I could be making 15k a month off just one of these fraudulent products as others are doing now.(some self proclaimed guru named Chris from England comes to mind)
I have no incentive or motive for making this information available other than to stop the public from getting ripped off.
My business is selling the type of equipment that none of these peddlers of lies want to know about.
I service rebuild and sell automotive workshop vehicle test equipment, and no I am not going to link my business or promote it here.