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10 Career Builder Habits to Advance Your Career

Updated on January 15, 2021
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Nitin is a certified executive coach. He has experience in leadership and team building for many years. He likes to see people succeed.

Career Builder Habits
Career Builder Habits | Source

Are you keen on developing your career? Are you wondering how to go about it?

Well, keep reading because I have shared 10 goals that you could set for yourself.

These goals, once reached, will boost your career at a rapid pace.

1. Develop the habit of punctuality

Punctuality shows that you value time- both your and others.

This is one of the first habits you will have to build to step up the ladder of success in your career.

Great leaders have always been good stewards of time.

They know how important time is and they respect it.

2. Keep your desk clean and uncluttered

Learn to keep your work desk clean and uncluttered. This will make the atmosphere conducive to more work and increased productivity.

An uncluttered desk also speaks of an uncluttered mind. It will help you to increase your output levels.

Your work will be of the highest quality.

3. Learn a new skill

To advance further in your career, learn a new skill whether it is online or physical.

It could be online marketing, using new software, or how to install an application.

Learning new skills will not only improve your confidence level but will also add weight to your resume.

Learning is always followed by earning.

The new skills will help you to earn more money even as a freelancer.


4. Network with others to improve your performance

Your network is your net worth. Networking or teamwork is vital to survive and thrive in today's competitive world. As someone has rightly said that teamwork is dreamwork.

When you work as a team there are several benefits.

  • You leverage the skills of others.

  • You get to benefit from others’ experiences.

  • You come up with a decent job.

  • When you are down, someone else will pick you up.

  • The synergy of the team is put to use for the common good.

All big corporations and companies know the power of teamwork. They encourage their workers or employees to work as a team.

5. Finish your work on time

Finishing your work on time is very important.

Everything has to go as per schedule, so lagging behind is not good. Keeping to strict deadlines is a sign of your work quality. Superiors will take note of it and promote you up in the hierarchy.

Finishing your projects on time also boosts your own confidence. It increases your reputation and self-image.

Finishing projects in a timely manner speaks about your organizational skills too.

6. Improve your communication skills

Communication is a very basic skill required in any organization, company, or office.

Develop your communication skills to excel in your work. You may not be a natural communicator but it’s a skill that you can learn.

You may even want to learn some soft skills to enhance your personality. Take a personality development course that usually teaches communication skills as well.

Communication involves three things: Speaking, listening, and understanding.

You should speak in such a way that the listener is not left in a quandary as to what you intended to say.

Secondly, your listening skills should be equally powerful. Learn to become a deep listener. Good communicators are excellent listeners.

Thirdly, develop your understanding capacity. Learn to discern what people mean when they say something.


7. Help others to accomplish their tasks

One sure way to excel in your career is to always seek to help others. It’s in helping others that you advance yourself.

Teach someone a skill that you are good at. Help another employee who is struggling with his work.

Encourage and motivate a new worker with your words and support. This way, you will receive the goodwill of people and it will help you in your career.

8. Aim to go one level up in the hierarchy

Do not be satisfied with staying where you are for long. Take up the challenge to go to the next level on the basis of your work.

If you work hard and are well organized, you will go up the organizational hierarchy sooner or later. Take it up as a challenge and systematically scale new heights.

9. Teach a junior something new

Take it as your responsibility to teach something new to your juniors. Teach them something that will help them to move forward in their career.

As you do this, you yourself will be rewarded. Whatever you do to others, will come back to you, only multiplied.

So take time to help others who are struggling with some area of work.

10. Manage conflicts effectively

Finally, understand that conflicts are an essential part of life. It is not any different in the business and corporate world.

There will be conflicts arising out of jealousy, personality, or sheer misunderstanding. You must learn how to navigate conflicts successfully to move forward in your career.

Learn to do this peacefully and with a lot of patience. Blessed are the peacemakers.

If you master these 10 things, you are well on your way to a bright career.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Nitin Khaire


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