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7 Deadly Habits That Kill Your Productivity

Updated on May 29, 2024
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Nitin is a certified life coach, executive coach, writer, husband, and father. His passion is to help people become their best version.

Do you know that there are habits that can kill your productivity?

Many of us are unaware that these habits can keep us from being fully productive in life.

Here is a list of the seven most harmful ones.

1. Lack Of Planning

The first bad habit to keep you from being productive is a lack of planning.

There is a saying which goes like this “ If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.”

Learning to plan is a basic necessity for success in life.

We need to plan every year, every month, every week, and every day.

There is absolutely no substitute for planning if you want to live a productive and successful life.

If you look at the lives of successful men and women, businessmen, and sportspeople then you see one major factor which contributes to their success is their ability to plan in detail every moment of your life.

So the very first habit which you need to form to see your productivity soar is to start planning.

There are various ways to do this but basically, you need to write down whether on paper on an electronic device, every action that you plan to take during the day, week, month, or year.

You should have a to-do list as this will help you to plan every task that you need to perform daily.

If you do not create a plan for your day, you will most definitely fill your day with distractions and meaningless activities.

2. Laziness

The next bad habit that will keep you from being total productive is plain old laziness.

If you don’t work hard, then you will not enjoy success.

In order to be productive one has to work hard.

There is no substitute for hard work.

Yes, you need motivation and inspiration every now and then, but inspiration should be followed by perspiration.

You cannot expect to laze around throughout the day and expect success in any shape or form.

One of the secrets of successful people in sports, business, or in any industry is that they locked and work hard often working for late hours at night.

Productivity is directly proportional to the amount and quality of work that you put in.

If you push yourself forward on a more regular basis, the strength of your self-discipline will also improve.

3. Lack Of A Daily Routine

Every successful person has a daily routine and many of them have an early morning routine.

It is very important to have a daily routine as it brings discipline and structure to our lives.

If we don’t have a daily routine, we end up frustrated. This happens as we waste time in many unproductive activities throughout the day.

Establishing a daily routine helps us to distinguish between the important and the unimportant tasks. It gives our focus and attention to only those tasks which really matter.

If you don’t already have a daily routine, then this is a good time to start.

At first, it may be tough but as the body and mind get used to it, it will become natural and a way of life for you.

This will go a long way to increase your productivity.


4. Wasting Time On The Internet

Technology has been a great boon to mankind but, if not used properly, and within limits, it can be harmful and even become a curse.

Many people today are addicted to smartphones and just can’t live without them.

When it gets to the point where it is controlling our lives, then it has become a curse.

We need to be wise in the way that we spend time on the internet, on the smartphone, and on any other electronic device.

There have been instances where marriages have broken and families disintegrated because of the excessive use of smartphones.

People have gone into counseling to bring them out from addiction to the smartphone.

Yes, we need to use technology to add value to our lives but don’t let it dominate our life.

By regulating our use of the internet whether, on a device like a laptop or a smartphone, we start becoming more productive in our lives.

5. Lack Of Establishing The Right Priorities

As American author Mark Twain put it, start your day by eating the frog.

The term ‘eating your frog’ simply means to finish the tough jobs early in the morning and then go after the easy ones.

In other words, we need to establish the right priorities and do those things first which are important for us.

Many times the important suffers at the cost of the urgent.

We give our efforts and attention to that which is urgent but we neglect the important ones.

If we don’t set our priorities right, then we will end up all messed up and ultimately will lose our productivity.

6. Not Being Grateful

Not being grateful does not seem to be such a bad habit at first glance, but in the long run, this is a very dangerous habit.

Having an attitude of gratitude is absolutely important for success in life.

We need to be thankful for what we have, and we need to express that thanks every day.

We need to express thanks to the Creator, to our family and friends.

The attitude of gratitude will transform our lives and will increase our productivity exponentially.

7. Lack Of Consistency In Pursuing Your Goals

The final bad habit which keeps us from being productive is not being consistent in pursuing our goals.

What we lack in skills or talents, can be made up by hard work and consistency?

Being consistent means remaining the same all the time whether the times are good or bad. whether we feel up or down, we maintain the same posture.

This is a great leveler in the game of success and productivity.

So learn to be consistent always and you will see that it will produce marvelous results in your life.

Don’t let the fear of failure stop you from going after your goals.

Even if you have these bad habits in your life at the moment, today is the best day to get rid of them and form good habits.

This will bring an increase in your productivity and success and all your endeavors.

Self evaluation poll

Which of these 4 habits do you think are the most counterproductive in your life?

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"You only have to do very few things right in your life so long as you don't do too many things wrong."

Warren Buffett

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2019 Nitin Khaire


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