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Learn how to convert your ezine articles to Real videos and automate SEO for video marketing

Updated on August 5, 2016

What is Video Marketing and Automated Video SEO

Simply put, video marketing is incorporating videos into your marketing campaigns whether to promote your product, service, or an offer. It is also used for the purpose of audience engagement.

Automated Video SEO is the application of fully or semi-automated SEO software or platforms to implement video SEO strategies with little effort on your part. This has some major advantages over the manual Search Engine Optimization.

Benefits of using videos for marketing campaigns

According to a research conducted by comScore, the online video audience reaches 84.5% of the U.S Internet audience. In addition, average engagement levels are rising as it becoming the focus of companies and marketers in their online experience and presence.

Video Helps People Feel the Love

Video is critical to helping people connect with, remember, and care about your brand. Consider these statistics:

  • Experiments show that video-based multimedia material create better learning performance and more positive emotion—even in text-centric learners. (Chih-Ming Chen)
  • Videos are usually presented as stories, and stories are 22x more memorable than facts alone. (Jennifer Aaker, Stanford)
  • Positive emotions created by watching a video can actually impact your viewers’ buying decisions. (Scheibehenne)
  • The human brain processes visuals 60,000x faster than text. (HubSpot)

Video Will Help You Dominate Your Marketing Objectives

One of our main messages at Explainify is that video is not a silver bullet.

By saying that, it may seem like I’m shooting myself in the foot with that silver bullet, but it’s true: video, on its own, isn’t magically going to grow your business. But if you use video strategically to accomplish specific business objectives, you’ll see serious returns.

Here are just a few examples:

  • Adding a video to your website can increase the chance of a front page Google result by up to 53x.6
  • Using videos in email marketing has been shown to double click-through rates.
  • 71% of marketers say that video conversion rates consistently outperform other marketing content.
  • Audiences are 10x more likely to engage with video content—embed, share, or comment—more than text-only blogs or related social posts.6

Ranks Higher on google

A study from forrester research states that a web page with video is 50X more likely to appear on first page of google

Improves email click-through rates

The good news is that an email subject line with “video” included results to 2-3x more opens than one without.But unfortunately, email clients cannot handle videos embedded directly into emails. However, savvy marketers “get around” this issue by using an image with a play button which consequently achieves 5-6x more clicks.


Platform To Enhance your Video SEO

With the emergence of SEO software and SEO platforms in the digital marketing world, it has become quite difficult to decide which platforms to use. Most of these SEO platforms and software can do anything related to SEO like keyword research, social bookmarking, directory submission, blog commenting, forum posting, and more.below is a recommended platform for your video SEO

If you have some marketing articles or campaigns that are explaining a process or selling products, services or even promoting some topics and you feel using videos would better explain that product or service. Article Video Robot 2.0 platform can help you to achieve that with just a click of a button.

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