Amazon Affiliate Marketing for Dummies
If you want to make money with the Amazon affiliate program then you need to read this first!
You can easily make sales by either providing relevant product links that relate to your text, soft sells for an item you mentioned or have a straight up product review.
This may be affiliate marketing for dummies but you won't be a dummy after you're done with this article!
Make Your Ads Relevant to Your Text
When you're writing a blog post, article or content for a website you usually already have some sort of target keyword in mind, don't you? Or you at least have some kind of topic in mind, right? So there already is a focus on a certain type of information and from that you can pull out a keyword. But what does that have to do with your Amazon ads, right?
Well, in order to pull up the types of products you want to advertise on your pages you need to use your target keyword when searching Amazon.
It should pull up products that fit exactly with what you're talking about. If some things pop up that you don't want then you can put negative keywords, a keyword with a minus sign before it (-keyword), and it will subtract items with that keyword in it. So if you put in the keyword "ball", but didn't want golf balls to show up then you'd type in "ball -golf". Or you can really hone in on what's shown by searching in specific categories or going right to a specific product page and making your affiliate link direct right to that product.
But you need to place your ads so that they catch your readers' attention. Put them in between blocks of text to ensure their eyes pass over them. Or put them on the side of your page where you have navigation buttons or links. That way their eyes pass over your ad if they glance at your navigation. And you can even say something like "Recommended Reading" or "Some Products You Might Like" to draw more attention to them.
Soft Sell a Specific Product
Or you can do what is called a "soft sell" which is just casually mentioning something without really telling them to buy it. This is affiliate marketing for dummies, so yes I'm going to explain everything ;). If your readers trust you then they'll naturally want to check it out anyway, so you don't have to tell them to buy it. This works great because people don't like being sold to but they do like getting recommendations for good products.
So all you'd do is as you're writing about a topic and a certain product comes to mind that you really liked yourself then just subtly mention it. Say that you got this idea from Product X or that Product X has really helped you in this area. You don't have to say, "go pick up a copy" or even, "check it out for yourself", just mention the name of it and what it did for you. This gets the product name in their mind and they will want the results you achieved.
Then all you have to do is put a product link from the Amazon affiliate program for that specific product right around the text where you're talking about it. The product name will be fresh on their mind and they'll glance over and be like, "Oh, this is the product they're talking about". Their curiosity will probably get the best of them and they'll click the ad to check it out. This method works best if you show a picture of the product so that not only do they see the product name but they see the product in its physical form. It really helps them visualize owning it themselves.
Write Product Reviews
Another great way to pull in some sales is to do a product review. If you bought something that you really love and you see that it's for sale on Amazon then all you have to do is talk about what you like about the product. What did it do for you? Why is it better than other products that are similar to it? Does it cost less? Is it more durable? Do you still use the product?
People love reading reviews because they don't want to buy something that is complete junk. And if you just go by the manufacturer's claims then you'll get duped into buying something that isn't as good as they claim. So that's why people spend so much time reading testimonials and reviews. And if you write up a good review then their fears will be calmed and they will be ready to buy that product. Because most people who read reviews are already on their way to buy it!
So now all you have to do is put a product link to that specific product, right where it'll catch their eye. Some would suggest you put it right up top, since it'll be the first thing they see and they can scroll back up to it when they're done reading your review. But it might also be beneficial to put the ad right at the bottom. They will read through your review, realize how great the product is and then BAM... there's the product they want!
These are proven methods to building huge profits with the Amazon affiliate program. So make sure your ads are relevant, pop in a couple soft sells and maybe even write a product review. Now that you've gone through this short Amazon affiliate marketing for dummies course you can start making some "stupid" profits! ;)