Building Winning Teams: A John Wooden Type Perspective
What Makes A Great Team?
The answer is obvious and simple. Great team members make great teams! Okay, now that we have that out of the way, how do we put great team members together to form a team and from where do great team members come and just what makes these great team members play together in such a way that they become known as great!
There are, of course, many philosophies of playing, teaching and coaching that would make a huge difference in building great teams, whether those teams are on the field, the court or in business. The most prominent aspects of great teams might be coaching, the players, the organizational framework of the team or the strategy the team employs to accomplish whatever its goal is.
Let's take a look at the coaching element first. The following is a list of the some of the best coaches in sports history after which you can view the video to see and hear the impact of one of the finest coaches of all time had on his players.
The Coach?
Coaching is an art and a science. Great ones combine the two and every great coach, in my humble opinion, knows one thing the rest don't; how to bring out the best in people! Yes, they know the mechanics of their chosen trade but every great coach in every activity knows how to motivate his personnel to do the very best they possibly can in any circumstance. Not every coach is known or famous, but every great one is known and famous amongst his or her team. The following is a list of the some of the best coaches in sports history after which you can view the video to see and hear the impact one of the finest coaches of all time had on his players.
Top Ten Best Coaches of All Time
The Impact of a Great Coach
There's More To A Team Than a Coach
As great a coach as John Wooden was, and he was my favorite of all time, there is so much more to building a great team than just a great coach. There are lessons here though we can all take away from this segment. They are:
- There's more to coaching than winning.
- There's more to winning than being coached.
- John Wooden proved that building great teams starts with developing it team members.
- Not all of his players were great when they came to him. Yes, they were some of the very best in the nation. But all of them learned something great from him. They learned what they were capable of if they accepted the principles of noble character, believed in themselves, learned the fundamentals and applied all of it to their lives.
- Great coaches contribute two things to our world; they teach us how to build great teams and great people.
It doesn't matter whether it's sport or business, vocation or avocation, building great teams follows the same rule and that rule is always put people first ! Yes, it is the team that accomplishes more than the individual, but those who forget that the team does not exist without the individual, loses the team, and the game!
Join me for Part II of "Building Great Teams" when we take a look at a team members role in the development of a great team!
Thank you for investing your time with me here today! I am indeed grateful for your participation on our team in the game of life!