How to Deal With Difficulties and Harshness of Life (Poem)
Put On the Whole Armor of God
Life is hard to deal with
I am very sure
Life is not so easy
Nor is it clean and pure,
Life is so uneasy
As I dwell from day to day
But there's a lot of good about it
Like loving the blues away,
Dealing with harshness of life
Living through bitter strife,
Shouldn’t settle for a roommate
But a queen, true love, the wife,
So where is the good or middle ground?
It’s in smooth jazz or gospel sound,
Hear the music of a flute, piano or horn
To the beat of progressive rhythms over scorn,
I won’t be criticized
For trying to succeed,
I am rationalized
By earning what I need,
No one can hold me back
Or knock me off the track,
As I desire to do my thing
Don’t fail me by your sting,
The Bible is the Word
Which is also the Sword,
We’re to live on one accord
By Commandments of the Lord,
Life wouldn’t be so harsh
If we followed the Lord’s Commands,
Living would be much easier
As His promises still stands,
Every moment He is watching
Not to catch anyone off guard,
But to protect His righteous offspring
He’s really not that hard,
Difficulties in one’s life
Are because one needs to learn,
That nothing is given for granted
But every lesson received is earned,
It is by spirit, faith and graces
I take my daily strides,
Without fearing any places
Enjoying spiritual guides,
Engaging in prayer
And humbly doing so,
As I go from here to there
I let the love show,
Must be about what is right,
Being free and doing good,
When it comes to a fight,
I leave it to God like I should.
The Best weapon
It is important to put on the whole armor of God. That means daily you should be protected by God's Word and His righteousness against spiritual wickedness. When you get into a verbal confrontation or dispute then in order to justify your point of view you are at an advantage to do that by using your wisdom learned from the Bible which is considered the sword. The way of the sword is respected, reasonable, understandable and justifiable. As one goes about in the Armor of God there are reduced challenges.