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Resignation Letter Tips

Updated on January 5, 2021
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A resignation letter acts as an important tool to resign and leave an organization for an employee. Resignation letters mention the employee's intent to leave the organization and notify the employer to be relieved from the service as per the terms of the employment.

Employers recognize the resignation letter as one of the key resources to track an employee's job trail. It is thus important to understand and draft a resignation letter in a simple manner, to exit the organization in a graceful manner.

However many employees either hesitate to write a well-crafted resignation letter or show a lack of interest in preparing the same. The resignation letter should be treated on par with resumes and cover letters otherwise.


Tips to Draft a Resignation Letter

A resignation letter is an opportunity for an employee to demonstrate astute professionalism and creativity while serving the notice period. The same should be drafted with clear communication i.e. intent to leave the organization, in a simple and pleasant tone.

Here are few tips to draft a resignation letter effectively-

  • Discuss your intent to leave the organization much before drafting a resignation letter. A formal discussion with the reporting manager should be focused on your intention to leave the organization only then followed by the resignation drafting process.

  • The letter should focus on your objective to leave the organization and as per discussions held with the reporting manager.

  • The letter should be drafted in a simple and short form. Avoid long-form resignation letters as the same does not help both the employee and employers.

  • The letter should indicate the intended date of resignation, employee details, and other necessary details. These details will help the human resources team to keep a track of your tenure during your notice period and may also help in quicker relieving formalities.

  • It is optional to mention the details of your next opportunity in the resignation letter.

  • The resignation letter is an opportunity to thank the organization and leaders for your career growth. The letter may be drafted with a thank you note to the organization and managers.

  • The letter should indicate your notice period tenure, as per employment terms, or as agreed with the manager during the discussion. Ensure that you are aware of the notice period terms and conditions prior to drafting the resignation letter.

  • Do not plagiarise resignation letters from online resources. It is okay to draw inspiration from various resources but every employee is capable of drafting a unique resignation letter. By doing so, he/she chooses to stand out with unique content from the crowd even during the notice period in an organization.

  • Avoid drafting negative aspects in the resignation letter. The same may not help you to stay afloat or build a positive image even during the last days of your tenure in the organization.

  • Ensure to mention any specific projects to be completed in the resignation letter and offer help to commit to it. The same will help you to build a strong positive image and be considered for hiring in the future- if an opportunity arises.

  • It is also essential to draft the resignation letter to attract potential employers, who use this opportunity to judge your communication skills and professionalism during a notice period.

  • Offer to provide help with transitioning of a project to another resource or volunteer to help in the project (during the notice period) in the resignation letter. The same will help you to unlearn and thus stand out from the crowd. It will also ensure that you adhere to integrity, trust, and professionalism in an organization while serving a notice period.


Sample Resignation Letter

Dear <Name>,

As per our discussion today, I wish to inform you that effective <Date> I announce my resignation from <Position> at <Organisation>. I take this as an opportunity for providing me valuable guidance and advice for my career progression during this <Years> of tenure.

I wish to inform you that I would be taking up <Role> at <Organisation> OR I would like to leave this position with a better opportunity and will pursue the same in <Location>.

I thank you and the organization for the opportunity provided to serve in this role. I also thank you for recognizing my capabilities in executing <Projects> leading to the success of the same during the <Year> or for <Number> of years.

Please let me know if you require any assistance related to the transitioning of the project. I will provide necessary inputs and guidance to any identified resource and would be available for any review of the project too.

Thank you once again and as discussed request you to relive me by <Date> from the organization with a <Days> notice period as per terms of the employment.


<Employee Id>
<Date of Appointment>
<Date of Resignation>

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


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