Finding A Job In A Bad Economy
Finding A Job
Finding a job in the current economy is difficult to say the least. But then it really depends on what you expect to find. Many people exiting college or university are looking for something specific in their field and currently that may not be realistic. I can say when I was exiting school a decade ago and looking for a job even during the dot com book of the early 2000s that many of my peers did have to enter jobs that didn't match the education they had been taking for 3 - 4 years. So in actuality it may not just be the economy but simply life (but it's easy to blame the economy these days).
The first steps you should be taking is attempting to scour the job bank online the government has set this database up for the purposes of helping those that want to work. If you are a youth, have disabilities or have been laid off and have been collecting Employment Insurance you are eligible for wage subsidy programs. These programs will provide you with a worker who will support and help you coordinate your job search. They will try and get you a placement on your behalf and when you find a job they will pay part of your hourly wage (so the employer doesn't have to pay your full wage per hour) for up to 3 months. Depending on the program. Just search online for your local government site for details.
If you are an entrepreneur and wish to start or expand your own business you can apply to a few different government programs as well. Some programs will give you interest free loans through the government that you only have to repay if your business succeeds. If you business fails you don't have to pay it back. Lesser programs will give you grants, just lump sum one time money to boost expansion or startup for your business. Again search your local government website or federal government websites for programs.
If you are thinking of returning to school and you are on Employment Insurance or have been in the past few years you can apply for money to pay for your education, again money you don't have to pay back. Five years ago I applied to such a program to complete my Commercial Pilot License and received $37,000. Trust me if you want to work or educate yourself to get a job there are incredible helping hands out there all you have to do is research it.
Come back to this page soon as I plan to update it with specific links. Keep in mind usually such programs are applied for within your local area and I may not live right in your area which is why I haven't posted hundreds of web links to suit everyone. But these programs are there and easily accessible. Do a web search. Seek and ye shall find.
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