Five Tech Skills to Master in 2020
Now, this has been a strange year. It's been the year of the coronavirus and the year that there's pretty much protesting in every corner of the street. And it's the only year that most of us have ever encountered where we had to spend time at home whether we liked it or not. And during that time some people discovered new things to do. Some people lost their minds. Some people tried to do something they've never done before.. either way, somebody did something or nothing.
So if you were one of those people who just sat and did nothing during the coronavirus lockdown, you're in luck because I'm here to help you!
We've all been hit financially. So instead of you just sitting down and doing nothing, I thought I should give you guys a leg up and give you five skills that you should master. And it's important for you to master it whether you like it or not, you need these skills. So here's skill number 1:\
You have got to master how to zoom. It's unbelievable how during this lockdown so many people have never heard of the word zoom before. So now everybody is zooming. Nobody is actually picking up the phone anymore. It's not just about logging in..
Now a lot of people just know how to log in. But companies are actually looking for people who know how to set up a zoo meeting. And it's not as easy as it looks. It's quite confusing. It took me a little bit of a while to learn how to zoom. So you need to learn how to zoom so get on the Internet. Get on Google and Google the word how to zoom. And it will give you the list of the things that you need to do. Of course, if you really don't have the time or too lazy to google I can do that for you. Just click on click on my link and I show you how to do it.
Social Media Management
Whether you like it or not everybody is on social media and you can't escape it. I have tried to live in the Stone Age but eventually, I had to join in and especially now that employers are looking for people to work virtually. It's not enough to just logging in and post a photo. It's not enough for that. You've got to learn the tools of the trade. So get on it and learn how to use social media management. It's not as easy as it sounds! There is a lot of software out there that you need to master and some of the most common software that you can users who is buffer, Audisense, Hootsuite, Sprouts Social, HubSpot, Tailwind etc. You got to learn how to use those tools as they are there to help you analyze what's going on on your social media page. Companies don't have the time to monitor people so they hire people who know how to analyze data. So social media management is just basically analyzing the data that's happening in the social media world.
Customer Relationship Management
Basically companies are overwhelmed or underwhelmed with how to manage their customers. How to keep repetitive customers happy, how to bring in new customers and how not to drive away customers. So you need someone that knows how to manage customers. This is where customer relationship management comes in. There are a variety of software out there that teach you how to manage information of customers Flodesk, Salesforce Asana, and also cloud management. Cloud management is actually part of customer relationship software. Click my link for tutorial on customer relationship management.
Email Management
Remember all those spam emails that that always creep up into your inbox? Even if you block it, some of those nuisance emails manage to get through. So you need somebody that knows how to deal with those kinds of e-mails. How to separate the important e-mails from the junk and the spam and how to organize those important e-mails into separate groups. Now you can use software such as Sendgrid MailChimp and Sane box. I have a separate video for that on how to use e-mail management software.
Video Editing
Now that we are in the coronavirus period where everything is virtual, you've got to learn how to edit a video. Basic editing skills is a must. It doesn't matter what job you're going for. If you tell the would-be employer that you can video edit, you've got legs up into getting that job. So make sure that you learn how to use it. The most important video software that you can learn how to use is Adobe Premier. Learn how to use it and the other Adobe products.
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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2020 Jasmine S