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Highest Paying Jobs That You Can Do Without A College Degree
Years ago a Collage education was a luxury that one pursued if they decided on a career as a Doctor or Lawyer. However, today it is almost impossible to land a high paying job without a Collage Degree of some kind! Management positions that used to be a climb the ladder type of position, now require at least a two year business degree! The proof is in the morning paper, browse through the classifieds and you will see a list of jobs that all require some sort of degree! So what if you cannot afford to go to Collage, but don't want work at Mc Donald's for the rest of your life either? It is not easy, and requires a lot of research and foot work, but it is possible to find a decent paying position without a Collage education! Below is a list of the highest paying jobs a person can possibly find even if they have not gone to Collage.
Should I Go To College?
Whether or not college is worth while in the grand scheme of things has been the subject of many debates. Some say "of course it is worth it". While the opposition says "it really is not worth it in the long run". On the one hand, if you complete a college education you have a much higher chance of finding, and keeping, a very good paying job. You will be more likely to find a career path that has more opportunity for advance, and sure to have a lesser paying safety net job that still keeps you living comfortable. On the other hand, many people have found themselves graduating college after years of study and not having a job opportunity in their field, or getting a job that pays a lot less then they had hoped. Once you complete school you are left with the mundane task of paying back your debts, and this is where the numbers and statistics come into play!
- College graduates earn a medium of $43,000 a year
- High school graduates earn much less with a median of $25,000 a year (many people earning much less then that in minimum wage jobs)
- There is currently 1.7 trillion..( yes TRILLION) dollars of unpaid student loan debt in the United States
- Two thirds of the work force do not have a College education
The most debated theory is that once you subtract the owed student loans from your yearly income, you are not earning enough to make it worth going. This may prove to be more true in recent years because the cost of education is steadily rising. Most people cannot afford the thousands (sometimes tens of thousands depending on the school) of dollars a year for tuition, and that leaves them with no choice but to take out student loans.
At the end of the day it is an individual decision and one that should be thought through carefully. However, for some there is no choice at all! Some people truly cannot afford to go to school even with help, while others just find themselves in life situations and do not have time to complete further schooling. If you are one of these people their is still hope! There are many good paying jobs that dont require you to have a college education. We are going to look at a handful of those jobs now!
Good Paying Jobs You Can Get Without A College Education!
It is possible to make good money without going to college! Check out the list of jobs below that offer the promise of a great Salary without needing a college degree!
Postal Service Worker
Believe it or not postal workers make great money but they work very hard!
Job description: Sort and carry mail to houses in town on foot, or in rural areas in a vehicle. The hours are brutal and you have to be a very reliable person who is willing to work in all different types of weather. If this sounds like you then you could be living comfortable as a mailman!
Average Wage: $58,000 a year!
Emergency Dispatcher
This one is not going to leave you living high on the horse, but you won't be counting change every week anymore!
Job Description: Taking emergency calls and depending on the area you work in, patching those calls through to the appropriate responders, dispatching emergency personnel to the scene, and staying on the phone with a person who is in crisis! There many be other requierments depending on where you live etc.
Avarage Wage: $27,000 Yearly
Job Requiremnts: Again it depends on your location, but normally just a high school diploma and a 32 hour certification course are all you need to apply for this job!
Note: this can prove to be a highly stressful job due to the nature of it, but if you are good with helping people and dealing with stress this could be the perfect job for you!
Police / Sherif Patrol Officer
Job Description: Stand by, obey, and enforce all laws as well as protecting citizens well being and property. Maintain order and report all infringements of the law.
Average Salary : $58,000 Yr
Job Requirements : High school diploma and Police Academy / On The Job training.
Corrections Officer Supervisor
Job Description: Supervise other fellow corrections officers, maintain schedules, schedual and supervise activities for officers and jailers.
Average Salary: $56,000
Job Requirements: High school diploma is needed to become a corrections officer, who is directly responsible for maintaining order and seeing to the general welfare of immates. After a certain number of years experience, training is provided to be promoted to supervisor!
Operating Subways
Job Description: Operating streetcars or subways through citywide tunnels transporting passengers.
Average Salary: $60,000 Yr!
Job Requirements: Extensive on the job training, certifications, a high school diploma, and a clean driving record are all a must to land this job!
Farmer / Rancher
Job Description : To grow produce, raise livestock for the purpose of meat or dairy products, or other agricultural crops.
Average Salary: $57,000 - $65,000 Yr.
Job Requirements: A farm! No experience is necessary but is helpful to be successful, and no degree or diploma needed! Just land and product! This is not an easy job though and does require many long hours and back breaking work! Not for someone trying to get rich quick either! It takes time to build a successful business / Farm!
Job Description: Draw blood from patients of all ages and send to correct lab etc.
Average Salary: $28,000
Job Requirements: Depending on the state that you live / work in a training program may be required. Some employers may require a certification before considering an applicant as well. However, the programs are generally not long and inexpensive compared to a Collage Degree!
Masseuse / Massage Therapist
Job Description: Expertly massage different muscles in the human body to relax or relieve a person or their discomfort.
Average Salary: $35,000 Yr
Job Requirements: While a Collage Degree is not required, extensive training is if you want to be good and gain a reputation! To become licensed you will have to take a certification course but this pales in comparison to the cost of a college education!
Automobile Mechanic / Repair Technician
Job Description: To diagnose, estimate prices, and repair automobiles.
Average Salary: $30,000 Yr
Job Requirements: None if you work from home doing small engine repair, but if you want to make decent money working in a reputable garage you will need certification and licences.
Medical Assistant
Job Description: Work closely with Doctors and Nurses in a clerical setting doing paperwork and other office duties.
Average Salary: $30,000 Yr
Job Requirements: Some smaller offices do not require any experience but many prefer either on the job experience or a medical assistant certification that some community colleges offer in a year or less.
Direct Support Professionals
Job Description: Help people with disibilities health problems to perform everyday chores and tasks such as grocery shopping, cleaning, or daily care.
Average Salary: $20,000 Yr. ( More with experience and trainings)
Job Requirements: Most companies only require a high school diploma and clean drivers licence. Many of them offer oppertunities to advance in the field with trainings and certifications, and some will even pay for them!
Loan Officer
Job Description: Work with people who need financial help obtaining a vehicle, property, or building their credit. Loan officers work closely with banks, creditors and dealerships to extend credit to those in need.
Average Salary: $58,000
Job Requirements: Good interpersonal skills, highly organized, decent grasp of math concepts and number skills, and a high school diploma. Many officers start out as bank tellers and work their way up the corporate ladder with training's provided by the banks!
Artists / Media Design
Job Description: Can you draw and love what you do? Working with businesses design team to draw logos, sketch ideas, design websites, etc.
Average Salary: $50,000 Yr
Job Description: Do what you love to do! Create ideas from nothing!
Website Design
Job Requirement: Every successful business needs to get on the internet wagon and building a website can prove to be a tricky task! Furthermore, maintaining that website can be even more tricky! However, if you are good at those things you could be making a very comfortable living!
Average Salary: $63,000 Yr
Job Requirement: An extensive knowledge of website building, coding, and maintanance.
Finding A Good Job Without A Collage Degree
- Research .... figure out what it is that you enjoy doing. Do you like tinkering with cars? Enjoy helping other people? Like working in customer service? Have an eye for fashion? Once you know what it is you enjoy, research jobs in your area that offer the opportunity to do what you love.
- Think outside of the box .... if you put your own creative spin on something it is sure to be successful! Look at finger spinners, something so terribly simple is making someone rich right now! You could be that person! Take what you love an make it your own brand, then advertise yourself anywhere that your services could fit in!
- Do not take no for an answer .... if you know you are capable of doing a job but they would like someone who has experience doing said job, don't give up! Every single job that I have pestered, called, gone in to talk to someone, and basically sold myself I have gotten!
- Remember you may have to start small .... if you love clothes and fashion you may be well suited for a management position in an upscale boutique ( making good money!). However, you might have to prove yourself as a cashier, shift leader etc. Don't expect to go right to the top and don't shy away from any form of experience or training on the way their!
- Be Bold .... People love people who are not afraid to jump in with creative and bold ideas! We live in an ever changing world and Fads change over night. Don't be afraid to take risks because they usually pay off!
- Have fun and it will show in everything you do!
Are You Happy With Your Current Job?
Did you go to college and if not are you happy with the job you currently have?
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