How Not To Amuse Business Executives
Now most of us, who have had to deal with progressive liberals, realize how they like to change the subject rather than discuss the subject at hand. They do like those shiny objects and baubles of distraction. there are some rather famous subject shape shifters right here on this forum and maybe they'll pay us a visit this time around too.
So I ran across this account of a meeting Obama just has with the world's leading executives, techie types and gurus and wasn't really astonished at the way Obama conducted his usually unprofessional self since he has zero, and I mean zero, business acumen that a chief executive officer should have.
The real subject of the meeting was their concern about how they have suddenly become a middleman in the NSA's dragnet of information collection. That's a sticky wicket for them as business concerns which centers around public trust, another subject Obama knows little about.
The Adoration Is Wearing Thin...
Obama still has a small group of adoring sheeple but his flock is dwindling rapidly. When you summon people like Apple's CEO, Eric Schmidt of Google, Yahoo's Marissa Mayer and assorted high dollar type executives from AT&T, Microsoft, Twitter and Facebook among others one would think Obama would know to hold the conversation to the subject they were called to a meeting about.So the industry giants of Techieville sat down to talk about a rather serious subject that they concerned them. That would be to reform the government's heavy handedness of the NSA in data collection of average Americans. It seems that this administration is intent on tarnishing that sector of American business and making the public a little bit leery of industry, not to mention Big Brother himself. Obama has already toasted his image so they want some form of salvation.
Prior to the Pow-Wow there was a letter sent from the group to the Whine House critical of the federal government snuffing out individual rights many of us see as our inalienable rights under the US Constitution. Easy concept to understand if you understand what the role of the federal government was intended to be rather than what we have seen it grow into being.
The letter specifically pointed out the obvious, “The balance in many countries has tipped too far in favor of the state and away from the rights of the individual – rights that are enshrined in our Constitution."
So during that fateful meeting where the gurus were there to talk about the NSA and that quagmire, Obama wanted to devote equal time to Obamacare and that quagmire. He basically hijacked the intended purpose of the meeting in those executive's minds and it did irritate them to say the least. Why were they there? They sure weren't there to discuss the health care debacle that Obama created for himself. Their intersecting point was discussing the federal government, the misuse of technology and the private sector.
Hearing Obama's desperate public relations pitch to anyone who will listen wasn't their concern. They will get to that intersection when Obama's unilateral delay of the employer mandate expires and they start dumping employees into the exchanges, if they even exist at that time. In layman's terms they weren't there to solve Obama's internal screw up concerning his signature piece of legislative crapola.
But Doctor Obama stayed hard at work with verbal reassurances that his website was just hunky dory and on the smooth path of recovering from the initial disaster we all witnessed. According to him before long it would become fully functional. He must have appeared to be the babbling idiot in the room of technical experts and chief executives.
What I just described is "how not to" conduct a business meeting. Of course Obama knows nothing about how business operates. That's out of a community organizers realm you see. The business world, the one we're discussing here, has circled the wagons against this administration's propensity to violate the 4th amendment at will. Couple that with a recent federal judge's ruling and there you go.
They should have known, and probably did, what a self-serving, incompetent Obama is before the meeting, not after it was over. His actions there were as inappropriate as some unnamed users here who just want to talk about anything but the subject at hand.
Heck go ahead and click those buttons and send this out to a wider audience.
As Always,
The Frog Prince