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How To Earn Money From YouTube (Earn Money by Uploading Videos)

Updated on August 20, 2014

Is earning from YouTube possible?


Earning money from YouTube is a rising trend. Earlier it was quite difficult due many reasons. Mainly people didn't know what to do on YouTube other than watch music videos and trailers. Also your internet connection has to be pretty strong to upload long, high quality videos. This is a luxury people got to enjoy in the recent past. Also nobody really knew the earning potential until YouTube had it's breakthrough as the number one video sharing network on the internet.

So after all these hurdles, people are now really digging in to the possibility of making a living out of YouTube videos. And there are many who does it successfully.

How YouTube earnings work...

YouTube itself isn't responsible for paying you money for the videos. In fact, Google Adsense is the affiliating company that will pay for the 'views' you get on your YouTube videos. So as you may have guessed you will need an Adsense account as well. But don't worry, it's easy.

Adsense will display ads on and besides your YouTube videos. When these videos get views, ads will be automatically viewed, even though you don't click them. These are called impressions. So basically you will earn for the impressions your ads will get.

YouTube ads

Ads displayed on YouTube videos
Ads displayed on YouTube videos | Source

So views on your videos, or the amount of traffic is the most important thing to earning money from YouTube. And when you reach the big leagues such as a million hits per video, you will be making a living out of your videos. But that will not be an overnight accomplishment. So work hard.

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YouTube earning potential

There is a huge earnings potential from YouTube. Some people make a living out of YouTube videos alone.

As I mentioned above, AdSense is the paying agent for YouTube views. If you are even a little familiar with Adsense you would know that different amounts and geographies of traffic earn different rates. Basically views from different countries will earn you different rates. So an exact measure of an earnings amount cannot be predicted, but based on the experience of many users the rate varies between a rough $0.9 - $1.5 per 1000 views. This range was developed based on the reviews put on the internet by many users. So yours could be higher or lower based on the above two (and many other) factors I mentioned.

Following are some earning proofs.

YouTube earnings proof
YouTube earnings proof | Source

What kind of videos?

This is where it gets tricky!

If you create a video from scratch (meaning your own creation, without copying someone else's work) you would have no problem at all. YouTube will offer to monetize your videos.

Basically you will have to abide YouTube's Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. Based on these two here's a simple guide what and what not to do.

  • Absolutely NO pornographic or sexually explicit content. YouTube is viewed by minors and your videos will be immediately taken down and your channel will be banned.
  • DO NOT post videos showing illegal things. Such as drug usage, animal cruelty, child abuse, substance usage etc. You get the idea, right? If not thoroughly go through the Community Guidelines.
  • Graphic Violence will not be tolerated. Mild violence is subjectively ok, but brutal attacks, deaths, punishments etc will not be allowed. But then again this is a grey area. You will be able to see many gruesome videos n YouTube.
  • No Copyright infringements!!! A copyright is an ownership of an intellectual property (which could be an art, sign, video, music, literary work etc). You CANNOT post other's videos that you don't have the legal right to use them for commercial gain. It's as simple as this. You cannot earn from uploading a trailer, funny video, music video, part of a movie, audiobook, etc unless you have given the right to do so by the copyright holding party. And copyright infringements are taken as seriously as any above rules-may be even more. Let's face it, it is unethical to earn from someone else's work. Even if you use an audio as background music, you should either have fair use rights or full ownership of the audio. If you violate copyright claims your videos will be banned along with your YouTube channel.

If you are doing music covers read this guide.

  • NO hate-speech! YouTube will not prevent you from expressing your ideas, no matter how one-sided or unpopular they might be. But they will not tolerate direct and intended criticization and blames against a particular party. Still there is a very fine line between hate-speech and expressing your views, so always try to be on the safe side. Because YouTube's judgement will be final.
  • No harassments or threats can be made through your videos.
  • Also don't impersonate others.

If you want to read the comprehensive guide, go to Channel Settings in your YouTube Channel and under it visit Monetization.

Everything from setting up a YouTube channel to making it a massive success

How to setup your YouTube channel

Log in or sign up to YouTube with your gmail account and provide a channel name when requested. Make sure your channel name is unique and something the other people can easily remember.

Set up cover pages and contact details as per your wish.

Watch this video to set up your YouTube channel

Countries that aren't allowed to monetize YouTube videos

There is a small catch! There are some countries that YouTube doesn't allow to monetize videos, no matter how they are made. It's just their policy.

This is their list of countries that allow monetization for.

  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Belgium
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Egypt
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Finland
  • France
  • Hong Kong
  • Hungary
  • Indonesia
  • Ireland
  • Israel
  • India
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Kenya
  • Malaysia
  • Mexico
  • Morocco
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • Peru
  • Philippines
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Russia
  • Singapore
  • Slovakia
  • South Africa
  • South Korea
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Taiwan
  • Turkey
  • Ukraine
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Kingdom
  • United States

So what about other countries?

Well, there's a way to work around this barrier. Watch the following video for the complete process.

Enable YouTube monetization for monetization disabled countries

Some tips for YouTube success

  • Create videos often (twice/thrice a week)
  • Create interesting, funny, informational, inspirational videos
  • Encourage viewers to like, comment, share and subscribe!!!
  • Create quite lengthy videos (between 4 minutes to 10 minutes) for personal videos. For documentaries or commentaries it could be longer.
  • Always upload high quality videos. This is the era of HD so provide 720p or 1080p videos
  • Create interesting titles (DO NOT mislead)


That's pretty much about it for the guide to earn money from YouTube. I personally haven't tried out this yet mainly because I lack the infrastructure to do so.

Anyway if you are a good personality, or a talented video creator this is your area of business to be successful. Even as successful as make a living off of it.

If you have any questions please comment below.

As always all the likes, comments, shares, ratings and subscriptions to my profile are admired.

Good luck!!!


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