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How to Get Money Selling Used Items Online

Updated on September 7, 2020
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Has provided posting services for selling used items as well as sold several items, including vehicles online for over 10 years.

Try Selling Some No Longer Needed Items When You Need Cash Fast

Selling some things you no longer need is a great way to get money quickly and at the same time you can get rid of unhealthy clutter. Moreover, selling used items has become a really easy way to get cash, especially since pretty much everyone can access the internet. In fact e-commerce has grown from 22 percent of people shopping in 2005 to 79 percent in 2016, according to Pew Research Center. There are plenty of selling platforms you can use to earn money selling used things online. I want to discuss some of the top venues to sell used items online, as well as provide tips on how to reach the most potential customers so you can sell the item to get cash fast. Plus a few selling, buying, and bartering tips to make your selling experience positive and successful while haveing your customer feel the same.


Top Selling Platforms Online To Help You Make Money Fast

There are plenty of places online to sell items, but are they going to really be worth the fees? With all the selling platforms to choose from which many of are charging fees, there is a combination of qualities you'll want to look for when choosing where to sell your used stuff. The number one quality you want to look for is how many people are visiting that selling platform. How much the platform charges would be next to look at. Finally, you'll want a selling platform that is easy to use so you can list and sell your used things quickly. That's what makes the selling platform a top platform to sell on and will help you get money quicker.

Qualities a Top Selling Platform Should Have

1. Huge customer base

2. Zero to low fees

3. Ease of use

EBay is a well established online retail and auction platform you can use to sell used things and reach a large customer base. They offer customers buying incentive programs like the eBay bucks to keep customers coming back without being as privacy invassive as Amazon and their Prime membership. Just as well there haven't been any rumors in the news that eBay is going to stop the letting the little guys use their platform to sell as with Amazon. EBay does charge fees to sell on but if you are a new seller you may get a promotion of a certain amount of free listings. You'll want to have a PayPal account so you can get paid quickly and easily.


Craigslist is a well established classified advertising website that allows you to sell used items. Some things such as vehicles or services offered you will have to pay a posting fee for. However, they do have a very large customer base that will allow you to sell locally so you don't have to worry about shipping the item, or having a PayPal account as you do with eBay. You will get cash as soon as you can close the deal with the buyer, which with the right posting could be right after you post it. You may be able to get around some fees by listing your stuff to sell in the bartering section.


The number one place to sell things online is the facebook Marketplace. Even with all the ugly truths about facebook selling your info being in the public eye and the #deletefacebook movement lurking to destroy facebook, as of the time of this writing, facebook is one of the most used social internet portals in the world. The more people using it, the more potential customers for you. As of yet, there are no selling fees to sell used things online through the facebook Marketplace, so take advantage of it while you can so you can possibly get money today.

Top 3 Places to Sell Used Stuff Online.

Where to Sell Your Stuff Online
Daily Customers
Ease of Use
1.03 Billion daily visits.
Pretty easy, even for a new seller.
436.75 Million daily visits.
Pretty easy, even for a new seller.
Facebook Marketplace
20.90 Billion daily visits.
Pretty easy, even for a new seller.

I've used all 3 of the selling platforms mentioned above and have not had a negative experience with any of them which is why I reccomend them. I have only recently checked out some of the apps designed to let you sell used things, like Letgo and Mercada, so I can't really give my opinion on them yet. Maybe if you have used them or some other apps for selling used items you can let me and the other reader's know what you think about the service the app provides in the comments below. Don't leave just yet though, I was just about to share with you those tips to selling used things online.

Tips to Selling Used Things Online

How you post the the items you are trying to sell to get cash will be a huge factor in how quick it will sell, if it sells. You can just go start snapping pictures, and post the product with a simple description, but you may not get many interested customers if you do.

Get the Camera Ready (Even if it's a Smartphone)

“Taking an image, freezing a moment, reveals how rich reality truly is.”

By: Anonymous

Pictures of items you are selling should only show the item you are selling, you don't want anything else cluttering up the picture, distracting the buyer. Clutter around the item being sold could give a wrong impression, such as the item was not cared for and is not worth the money you want for it. If you are selling a large item like a vehicle or a horse, make sure to take pictures of it on a beautiful sunny day. Dark skies don't sell things very quickly, nor do they give you the best quality of a picture as a sunny beautiful day can. The setting provokes positive feelings in the customer which will make the custoner more interested. Last but not least when it comes to picturing the item you are selling, the more pictures the better. You will want pictures that will clearly communicate the color, form, and other key details.The more pictures you have of different qualities of the item you want to sell, the better idea your customer will have as to what they are buying into. Pictures are what drive the customer to tap or click on the item to learn more about it through the item description or product info. It is those clicks and taps that are more likely to lead to a sale.

The Devil's in the Details

Speaking of descriptions and what drives customers to buying your items so you can get money. The description is just as important as the pictures. If it is on the internet, then it must go through the algorithms to be found. Most people are searching for a specific item and therefore will use the search feature of the website or app they are wanting to make purchases with. Here's where your description needs to become the driver, as the algorithms base search results off of how closely the words in your description match the customer's search queries. The more descriptive you can be about the item you are selling, such as mentioning any parts, model numbers, materials used, nicknames, and features, the more search results it will appear in. Thus providing you with a larger customer base who is looking to buy.

Selling Tips for Big Items

Now for some tips for selling used vehicles, properties, and other items that deal with titles and deeds just because I hate to see people having problems with selling things like these. Moreover I hate to see scams, and much of the time when I'm searching to buy these kinds of products, that is what I come accross. Well they are either scams or sellers who aren't realising their post comes off like a scam. These selling tips are designed to help keep the seller from loosing potential customers while at the same time serve as buyer tips to help buyers spot a possible scam or an illegal sale.

Be ready to sell with the title or deed in hand, a pen, and a notary. First and foremost, if it requires some kind of document that assigns ownership, such as a title or deed, make sure that you let the customers know in the product description that you have that document. You will have a heck of a time selling an item that requires a title or deed without it, and if it's not stated in the description you have a lot less potential customers call you about buying it. Salvaged titles will have a smaller customer base but as long as you have it there is a good chance you can sell the item. Most people want to know the history on items such as vehicles, travel trailers, mobile homes, etc. so you may want to have that information as well.

I hope this information on how to get money selling used items will help you to get money in your pocket quicker. If this guide to get money does help you get money quicker or you enjoyed this guide, feel free to share it. Whether you enjoyed it or not please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below, as it helps me to improve my writing so that it is enjoyable and beneficial to you. Thanks for reading! Much love and best wishes for you and your journey to get money.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.

© 2019 Tobe Enlightened


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