How to Prepare for your First Day at a New Job
With the current job market being so difficult to find jobs, the economy in a rather bad downturn. finding a good job is a miracle. Once you do actually get a job you are going to switch from searching and interviewing mode to impressing mode. Your first day on the job in a lot of ways can be the same as a blind date. First impressions can mean everything and in some cases if you don't perform as expected you may be back to searching mode before your true skills are apparent to the employer. This article will give you some tips on what to do and not to do and just how to impress your managers or boss.
Some of these tips start at your home before you arrive at work others will need to be applied upon arrival and lastly there are things that need to be regularly applied. Some are common sense and others are not as apparent so read them through and follow them to the letter.
- Before even leaving your residence remind yourself that they did hire you. This isn't an interview they thought enough of your resume and what you said to them to give you the job. In the job market of today the job you just received was most likely sought by others but you got it so relax in that knowledge. It may be what you need to keep confidence on your first day.
- Dress appropriately. This is fairly self explanatory, don't show up in gym shorts and a muscle shirt obviously (unless you work at a gym). Make sure you are aware of and following the dress code. If in an office setting be sure as some places may have business others business casual.
- Bring what you need. A lot of jobs will have the equipment needed but be sure you don't need to bring something from home.
- Also don't forget your lunch. Again pretty self explanatory but in the rush and pressure of the first morning you would be surprised how often this happens. You will want you lunch as the food will keep you fueled up and ready to do what needs to be done.
- Arrive promptly to work. You don't want to be late your first day, this might be enough for a workplace to let you go. Don't let your job slip away before you even start.
- Network with your co-workers. It does feel a little silly as in any professional environment keeping your job or moving up should be based solely on your abilities but in a lot of circumstances it can be a popularity contest. So don't start anything and make friends. This rule of thumb is something that should always be in play.
- Communicate your ideas. If you have any chance to provide input and you are sure it is a sound idea then make it known. If you work in an office again there are usually feedback surveys, suggestion boxes, team meetings, communication with supervisors, etc. These are all great times to communicate.
- If you have specific skills show them off. This is the best way to show the business why they need you. Make yourself valuable to them in any way that you can. This may fill skill sets that they really needed.
Overall keep in mind that in most jurisdictions labor laws protect jobs and people from being fired unless there is a major reason after a period. Sometimes this is three or six months. So while your first day may seem never ending if you make it through and stay with the business for awhile you will gain more job security over time.