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Could You Work From Home?

Updated on June 7, 2020
Stella Kaye profile image

Stella runs her business from home and has written several articles on working from home, home finance and entrepreneurial skills

'Home Sweet Home'


'Homework' Can Be Enjoyable

"I work at home" is no longer the rare statement it once was. Nowadays the chance to work at home is not the privilege of the few; many more workers are given that opportunity and it can only be advantageous to employers and employees alike and those who run their own business.

Housebuilders have been quick to catch on with the now popular trend of working from home and are constructing new properties with a home office as standard. Having a ready-made purpose-built space is the ideal so that you aren't taking up other valuable space, such as a bedroom or reception room. You can even buy office 'pods' to install in your garden if the size of your home won't allow any alterations to provide designated space for your business ventures.

Home-Based Businesses Are Becoming More Common

The decision to work at home has never been an easier one to make since the advent of the Internet. It depends on the type of work you do, but whatever your business, anyone can use Internet banking to keep track of funds. Documents and photographs can be downloaded and letter headings can be utilised to ensure the smooth running of any business. You can even file your tax forms online and all this whilst listening to your favourite music in the comfort of a familiar home environment. Coffee breaks can be taken whenever you desire and if you desert your desk for a few minutes no one will reprimand you if you work at home.

Even if you don't run a business, it's becoming more commonplace for employees to do at least some work at home where they can still summon all the necessary company information to conduct their duties via the Internet. No longer are there piles of paperwork to sift through in the space of the working day. The Internet means you can access the knowledge you require from anywhere in the world while you work at home.

You will find an abundance of business-related software available which will ensure swift progress in any new venture you wish to undertake while you work at home.

If you work at home running a small business such as a property company, your business can be managed at the touch of a button. You are able to find houses for sale practically anywhere. You can search for current rental prices and discover what houses have recently sold for. You'll access estate agents' websites and take virtual tours of properties as you work from home, without wasting time stuck in traffic. This wealth of information at your fingertips is invaluable and saves considerable time and effort in phone calls and letters when you email business contacts. You're guaranteed a swift response from others who also work at home. You can research new neighbourhoods and download maps if you're unsure whether to buy into those areas and thereby accumulate a wealth of facts on which to base a sound decision. Sharing experiences and comparing current trends in the housing market with various business contacts is all part of your day's work at home. Buying and selling property is a field in which you literally have to do a vast amount of homework in order to succeed.

Work at home requires discipline and organisation. Your day needs structure if time is at a premium and needs to be used productively. The best strategy is to carry out tasks in order of priority. Once you've put the important mail in the post or sent it electronically, the remainder of the day can be yours once your work at home is completed. Ideally, in order to work at home successfully, a separate room should be set aside so business-related material is not misplaced. An office environment must be maintained in this workspace and kept well-stocked with relevant equipment and stationary so your work at home will be as organised as possible. Those who work at home will soon find they save money in travelling costs and may even find time to devote to more leisurely pursuits!

After reading this article, would you consider working from home?

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Home Comforts


Computer-Based Businesses Are Ideal


Typical Jobs That Can Be done At Home (USA based)

© 2014 Stella Kaye


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