Impossible? (That Is What They Said!)
"If Fifty Million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing", said Betrand Russell. Not surprisingly, therefore everything in the world was achieved by people who believe in themselves, rather than in what was commonly believed.
In 1940, the Royal Committee of Spain categorically said that a voyage to Asia was impossible because the western ocean was infinite an unnavigable. The committee also said that so many centuries after creation it was unlikely that any one could find new lands that were hitherto known. Just within few hours from them, Cristopher Colombus conquered the westen sea and his journey is part of History now.
In 1903, The New York Times commented that scientists should now waste their time and money in airship experiments, since flying is an impossible act for mankind. Exactly one week later, the Wright Brothers made their first successful flight Kitty Hawk, USA!
In 1984, the Science Digest with conviction stated that landing and moving around the moon poses so many serious problems that it may take more that 200 years of science to achieve that feat. Exactly 21 years later, Neil Armstrong set his foot on the moon!
Truly, friends, the lives of all these great men remind us that achieving with believing in ourselves. Come, let us memorize these magic words which have potential in them to transform the world.
"We can, if we think we can!"