Inside Info Is How Trump Got G7 Summit at Doral, Florida
Brazen Emollients Violation
Trump is becoming even more brazen and emboldened when it comes to scrutiny of his obvious actions that challenge many U.S. laws. The impeachment inquiry and proceedings have not deterred POTUS, in fact, he is challenging the rule of law that governs how a president should conduct business. If the Ukraine exchange did not convince you it was against the law, or even, if it was ethically wrong in how a POTUS should act, how about the shady bidding process for where the G7 will be held.
Months ago, Trump did his sales pitch to have the G7 Summit in 2020 be held at his privately owned resort at Doral near Miami. He even mentioned that his friend, Putin, should also attend. Doral has been not doing so well in turning profits according various news reports, and POTUS saw the opportunity to promote his privately owned resort as the "ideal" place. Whether Trump still has personal control in it is probably moot because his sons operate the property.
The Mulvaney Factor
Mick Mulvaney, who did admit that the Ukraine loan was held back unless they helped dig up dirt on the Bidens regarding his son at Burisma and an investment with China that proved to be a loss. Trump accused Joe Biden that he held back a loan unless a Ukrainian prosecutor was removed for not prosecuting corruption. Biden was VP then and was just acting on the orders of POTUS. Biden would not get any personal gain, unlike Trump, who would've. Big difference!
Mulvaney is in Trump's cabinet as Director of the Office of Management and Budget, as well as acting White House Chief of Staff. He is the key person that received the bids for hosting the G7 Summit. The actual number of bids remains unknown, but Trump once said that he had looked at 10 of them and they all lacked something. Not surprisingly, Trump's own Doral "had it all".
Since the bidding process is secret and since Mulvaney is an employee of POTUS and within Trump's inner circle on a daily basis, how Trump's Doral won the bid is coming under fire and it should be. All Mulvaney had to do in a private discussion is tell Trump who the lowest bidder was. POTUS would convey this to his sons and they would create the winning lowest bid.
Totally in violation of ethics and criminal law. It is insider trading. It is in violation of POTUS gaining personal gain from his private business deals, which of course, he claims he never does, which is just a lie. Maybe not directly as he once did, but certainly indirectly via Trump Real Estate operated by his sons (with no doubt, some direction from POTUS).
The US Constitution emollients clause clearly forbids POTUS from personal gain from anything related to their businesses, directly or indirectly. POTUS claims that Doral will not make any money, and yet, each member of the G7 has to pay to attend. This may force some countries not participate because it may violate their own laws because the money is going to Trump, indirectly.
At best, none of this looks good. At worst, it is something more to investigate during the impeachment process. Even the Republicans are questioning how Trump won the G7 process. It just smells a bit too fishy.