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Optimize Your Website at Early Stage

Updated on February 6, 2012

Get SE-Optimization

Index Your Site on Google in a Few Minutes

For years, we have seen a lot of attraction paid towards personal websites by the public including too many inexperienced web users as well. This has been led to by someone's interest in having his own identity over the web or by a person's wish to share his/her experiences with throughout the world. But the problem arises when after having built your website, you come to know that you aren't getting the traffic you have dreamed of. My dear readers, you know many of you use highly expensive softwares to get your website to the first page of Google search engine and some of you do a lot of work on it for years and a few get the benefit you all wish for.

I was frustrated to get to know methods of getting my website (when I created one for fun in recent past) to the first page in Google Search to get some handsome traffic of visitors. I don't say by implementing the process I am going to share with you will bring your website to the top of search results without any real effort. Obviously, if you want the top spot, you need to compete with the experts in the niche of your website. What I have to share with you is a one minute job but it is aimed towards the beginners or those who have just built their website. When I used that process, I got a significant increase in the number of visitors a day to my website as compared with the numbers before the implementation.

The main, probably the foremost, problem for every site owner is to get his/her website at the first page of search engines having millions of already well popular websites in their index. As I mentioned earlier, beating such sites is not an easy task but what I am going to introduce you will help you a lot in this matter. I am not guaranteeing you that you will get your website ranked at page 1 in few minutes as this is wholly dependant on the quality of your website but the thing I am introducing you will save your weeks and probably your months that you spend making your site indexed in a number of website directories available over the internet. This will no doubt, increase your visitors dramatically within minutes. :-)

I would like to introduce to you a little PHP script that uses stat sites as well as “appraisal” sites to get your page indexed automatically. One site of mine using this script took about 5 minutes.


To keep things clear and easy to understand, I am writing the whole procedure in very easy to follow 5 steps.

Step 1: Copy the complete text in the box below and paste this into your text editor like notepad or word-pad.

Step 2: Save this file to your computer and name it getindexed.php

Step 3: Copy the getindexed.php file to your website root e.g.,

Step 4: Start the script by entering the url :

Step 5: Fill in your website address in the box and click on submit.

Enjoy having your website indexed..;-)

I was amazed when I used this technique and I just want to share it with you as this does not mean to be a sort of information that should be kept hidden. I personally believe that helping others in saving time and effort should be an ethical obligation in our minds and we should make it a part of our behaviours.

Remember, to get the top spot, you need a top stuff in your website. This is no doubt a fine tool and can get your website indexed in a lot of platforms but this does not guarantee the first place. Anyway, it is still worth appreciating to get some handsome traffic to your website at the very early stage without spending a penny.

This Is The Code.



$domains = explode("\n", $_POST[domains]);

foreach($domains as $domain)

$domain = explode('|', $domain);

$keyword = $domain[1];
$domain = str_replace(array('http://','/'),'',$domain[0]);

echo $keyword . $domain;

$domainshort = str_replace('www.','',$domain);

$domainshortdash = str_replace('.','-',$domainshort);

$urls[] = '' . $domain;
$urls[] = '' . $domain;
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$urls[] = '' . $domainshort;
$urls[] = '' . $domainshort . '/summary/';
$urls[] = '' . $domainshort;
$urls[] = '' . $domainshort . '/';
$urls[] = '' . $domainshort;
$urls[] = '' . $domainshort;
$urls[] = '' . $domainshort . '.html';
$urls[] = '' . $domainshort . '&btnG=Search';
$urls[] = '' . $domainshort . '/';
$urls[] = '' . $domainshort;
$urls[] = '' . $domainshort;
$urls[] = '' . $domainshort;

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$urls[] = '' . $domainshort . '/';
$urls[] = '' . $domainshort;

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$urls[] = '' . $domain;
$urls[] = '' . $domainshort;
$urls[] = '' . $domain;

$urls[] = '' . $domainshort . '/';
$urls[] = '' . $domainshort;
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$urls[] = '' . $domainshortdash;
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$urls[] = '' . $domain;
$urls[] = '' . $domainshort;
$urls[] = '' . $domain;
$urls[] = '' . $domainshort;
$urls[] = '' . $domainshort;

$ch = curl_init();

foreach($urls as $url)
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070725 Firefox/");
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60);
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, '');
    $AskApache_result = curl_exec ($ch);

    $regex = '/<title>(.+?)<\/title>/';
    echo $output[1] . '<br>';

    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '' . urlencode($keyword) . '&blogurl=' . urlencode($url) . '&rssurl=http%3A%2F%2F&chk_weblogscom=on&chk_blogs=on&chk_technorati=on&chk_feedburner=on&chk_syndic8=on&chk_newsgator=on&chk_myyahoo=on&chk_pubsubcom=on&chk_blogdigger=on&chk_blogrolling=on&chk_blogstreet=on&chk_moreover=on&chk_weblogalot=on&chk_icerocket=on&chk_newsisfree=on&chk_topicexchange=on&chk_google=on&chk_tailrank=on&chk_bloglines=on&chk_postrank=on&chk_skygrid=on&chk_bitacoras=on&chk_collecta=on');
    $AskApache_result = curl_exec ($ch);

    if(preg_match('/Pinging complete!/', $AskApache_result))
        echo $url . ' - Successful Backlink!<br>';
        echo $url . ' - <b>Backlink Failed!</b><br>';

} else {
<form method="post">
Links|Anchors :<br>
<textarea name="domains" cols=100 rows=30></textarea><br>
<input type="submit">


Please help others know this!!!

I hope this will certainly solve your huge problem. :-)

Don't forget to comment and share this with your friends if you find it helpful as I have made a huge effort to obtain it from one of very expert web developer (a friend). Remember that I don't have any knowledge of web coding but this code that I have obtained helped me very much. Enjoy hubbing BUT PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS HUB BELOW IN YOUR COMMENTS.


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