Life of A River
The Begining
The parched hot dry scrub
Six thousand feet above sea level
The heavy grey clouds rolling, tumbling
Masses gathering rumbling
Explosive cracks and load explosions
Dynamite sounds
Pyrotechinic Technic displays
Lightning bolts light the sky
Cloud to Cloud
Cloud to Earth
Cleaving Rocks
Exploding trees
Fires start
Rage out of control
Deluge of water descends
Feeds the dried river beds
Floods the lower plains.
Nature maintains her delecate balance!
Such is the The River
This applies to both, those permanent rivers that have been around for eons, and have followed the same course, along their rapids in which the occasional pools an quiet ponds are spawning grounds for Salmon, making it good feeding ground for bears and their predators, creating that circle of life and death, that delicate balance.
The River continues and slows down to flood the plains so that the natural crops can grow and supply the deer, gnu, and other antelopes, buck and the like.
With Lions And other carnivores to trim the aged and weak, followed by the hyena's and vultures that act as the sanitation department, in the scheme of things.
The River ambles on and passes by, heads down to the see forming estuaries, for all sorts of aquatic birds to use as breeding grounds.
The river passes past and through the entire stretches of our planet bringing life and nutrients down with it as it winds its way, eon after eon, greening refreshing cleansing our planet.
The rivers that are only occasional or seasonal supply that surprise that nature gives us in parcels spread throughout our lands!
Every country has these pockets of beuty that only appear for a short time frime sometimes frequently, sometimes only occasionally, as a boon.
Save this planet
protect our heritages
husband our resources
pass on this eden
our childrens children
Protect basic water
protect basic ground
protect nature
Respect Mother Earth