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Make a Living Writing Online

Updated on October 26, 2019
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Sharon has been writing online for almost 5 years. She is passionate about writing topics related to online career, business, and AI.


Working online has already been a practice of many individuals for years. According to, One in five Americans work from home. In the Philippines setting, stated that the Philippines is the 3rd country in the world after the United States and India in online freelancing. In that same article it was further stated that based on a recent global study, there are 1.5 million Filipinos who are into online freelancing activities.

On a personal analysis, this statistic represents the number of people who signed up under certain freelancing sites. The number might even be higher due to other areas that were not covered in their studies.

However, given these data, many people who are aiming to find good-paying work online still face issues in finding good-paying online work. The majority of people would quit after realizing that it is not easy after all. It was probably because of the way the idea is presented to them. It’s true that we earn online, but most people may not be able to understand how this could be possible.

So, in this post, I will try my best to present the idea in the simplest way possible. I hope people who are looking for ways in order for them to earn an additional income might find this post helpful.

Writing, the Basic Skill


For several years that I am working online, I have learned different methods by which I could earn some amount that helped me augment my financial deficiency. Moreover, my online work allows me to earn some amount which I am using to pay my existing loans and save some for future plans. I also use my earnings to pay for the domain and hosting for my blog. Online working has been a great help to me despite the fact that I can only allocate a limited amount of time.

Writing though could be considered as the most basic skill to learn, is still a great factor when it comes to finding a good source of online income. We communicate and express ourselves by way of writing. Having a good writing foundation can do so much in terms of career opportunities.

Online vs Offline Writing

Though applying the same basic English writing rules, there are great differences between offline and online writing. If you had any experience in offline freelance writing, you might have done news, editorial, manuals, essays, thesis, and other forms of offline content. Switching to online writing might surprise you.

Here are some of the key principles which we need to take into consideration when writing for an online audience:


Different studies show that most readers would usually scan the page, culling information from headlines, section breaks, and bullet points. As an online content creator, we could use this information to our advantage by composing pieces that feature bullet lists, sub-headings, and other web-specific composition strategies.


We learned from our English class that a paragraph should contain at least three sentences. Considering our target audiences who prefer concise and straight to the point statements, have a two-sentence paragraph will do.


Online writing is much different since we need to attach a link to our articles for additional sources. This practice is not applicable to offline writing.


Writing SEO rich content is one of the considerations for online writing. Though sometimes it could mean sacrificing the quality of content. But as a content creator, we should stick with the Golden rule of writing, search engines and other audiences reward great writing – and that means your online efforts should focus first on strong writing and SEO second.


High-quality graphics and images are part of good content. Since most people who browse online are easily attracted to images and graphics, it is also important to include such in our posts and articles.

Earn From Writing Online


Thanks to the new technology! Many people are being given a chance to earn a pretty good amount through writing online. Completing simple writing tasks may include but not limited to copywriting, creating a blog, writing blog posts or articles for third-party sites, short posts or forums, or simply chatting.

One of the best things about writing online is we can do the job at our own time and at any place convenient to us. There are no limitations as to what topics we can write about and the earning potential is great.


Here are some of the sites worth considering if you intend to earn online from writing. Though it may take sometime before you could be able to see results. Sites like HubPages is worth trying as you have the opportunity for a passive income.


Virily is a blogging platform that allows members to submit articles, quizzes, question and answer type of content, photos, and albums. They are following a point-system that allow the members to earn points which is the basis for the computation of their earnings. Once the member reached the minimum amount at the end of the month, the earnings shall automatically be sent to the payment processor they provided. The site's minimum payment is $10 for PayPal and $100 for Payoneer.

Virily accepts members from different countries around the world.


WordMasters is a Freelancing site that allows members to grab writing tasks from the pool of open projects listed on the site. It differs from the traditional freelancing sites like UpWork, Guru, and Freelancers in the manner the members acquire a writing task. While other freelancing sites would require to bid or reapply for a new job every time, WordMasters allow members to get a task without the need to apply.

However, before you could grab a new task, you need to undergo a series of examinations in order to be accepted on the site and become a regular member. You will also be required to submit 2 sample articles before you can be able to grab projects listed in the pool. One of the feedback given was satisfactory, you may be able to start grabbing writing tasks.

The guides for each project would vary depending on the request of the client.

Rational Mind

Here is another blogging platform with a discussion board for members to make quality interactions. It’s another blogging site that allows members to submit their content. The article should be at least 400 words and once submitted and published, the article cannot be deleted.

The members can earn based on the view generated by their contents. For every 1,000 views, the member is entitled to a $2.00 earnings. Members who reached the minimum payment threshold of $2 can request by submitting an email to the admin. The site pays through PayPal.


One of my favorite sites. It is a social networking site that allows members to interact with the community by uploading blog posts, images, videos, and micro-posts. You may be able to earn a little amount by just logging in and completing the daily quests such as viewing 5 videos or movies or reading 5 blog posts. But if you want to earn more, submitting a blog post is the best thing to do.

The site has its own set of requirements that a member should follow when submitting a blog post. The standard they set may be a little challenging for some but it is worth learning. Before a submitted blog post will be published, it should undergo a review process. Only after a successful review that the member can receive the equivalent score with the corresponding points added to his/her Buzz Score.

However, starting November, the virtual currency they currently have will no longer be redeemable as fiat currency.

I hate to see such a great site go but still hoping for the change in their plans.

On the final thought...

Online writing can be in different forms. You can start your own blog or write for a third party. Sites' policies may vary. Some sites allow short articles with 400 words or less while some require articles with 1000 words or more. There are also communities that allow members to earn a minimal amount while learning new skills, knowledge and gain connections from around the world.

Writing online can be a good source of full-time income. The earnings you can get will depend on the efforts you put, the quality of your contents and other strategies you employ.

Thank you for reading.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.

© 2019 Sharon Lopez


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