Marketing Calls
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I get 4-8 promotional calls a week. These are people who want something from me. They depend on getting someone engaged in their program. In theory their program is always better than any other program. No matter which angle you examine, however, it requires depositing something into their company. Bottom line, they call you and hope to inspire you to invest in them, or in their investment. Only if you do exactly what they say and drop your money in exactly the specified way, will you find any reward. Once you begin, there is seemingly no back button, or rewind; its gonna be rough for you and some guilt is going to be put on you if you give up giving to the protocol established by the regulator of the process of the "Plan". Sometimes they wrap the basis of their program around an inspirational (core) value. The results or the outcome generally depends on your willingness to fall off the invisible cliff of your self built limitations or doubt blockages. You will find the "start up process" overwhelming and you will question yourself and especially question the program. But with Inspirational encouragement, and if you keep working with "their network", you will one day be rich and famous, or at least be financially solvent, but with one caveat: Never stop giving into the program. That is Taboo. But put your faith in God first; but if you don't stay with them, then suddenly you have lost faith in God. At least that is whats left for you to blame, whether its said or unsaid. But
But if our program fails you, then God has failed you, not us. Well, no, maybe not that way, but your "faith in God" has failed. However, this is based on you using the internet, with "Our Program". In doing so, you will find your own vehicle to success. Nonetheless, it is about you serving other people, by bringing them into the network, for all of our benefit. The more people you bring into our marketing service, the better off you will be. But don't forget you will make a big impact on our planet, and change a lot of lives, while you expand our program. We have the secret. Remember, the more that you are willing to invest; the quicker you will get there, with our help. But if you don't like this, then go get you a job, and forget about getting rich with our program. We will share with you if you bring business our way. We have a product that will open doors for you and we will work together as one big family. Marketing is the silver cup of your future.. please sign up and you will soon be listening to us telling stories about how we found success before you. Please let us show you how to avoid the mistakes that we made..
Just remember; there is strength in numbers. Don't worry if the top few are making more than you. We earned it, because we've been in it longer than you have. We will show you amazing things. This thing is really big. Very Big. We will mention you in our committee meetings and give you honorable mention. In time we will show you everything that is going on. This is going to fix all of your family problems.. Yes, Yes..
© 2020 Oscar Jones