Oriflame vs Avon in India
Jashmi - jashmiw@gmail.com
Why compare?
Many people want to know what is common between Oriflame and Avon and what are the points on which they differ from each other. In this post I have tried to list the points that I could think of. There may be point that I missed so I would be happy if Oriflame Consultants or Avon Representatives would like to add to the similarities or differences list. It is important for people to know what is available with both companies. This might be most useful for those who are considering either of the companies and hopefully help them take an informed decision.
The points common between Oriflame and Avon are:
Both have a similar product range.
Both are direct selling companies.
In both you can make unlimited directs.
Both have more than 900 products.
Both companies have online ordering facility.
Both companies have online reports
Some of the points of difference are as follows:
Oriflame gives a flat 20% on personal sales while Avon has a slab of 15% to 30% based on your total sales amount.
Oriflame gives income till unlimited deapth while Avon Leaders get income till 3 generations only.
In Oriflame you can earn up to 21% on sales done by your directs, while in Avon you can earn up to 10% on the sales done by your directs.
In Oriflame you can start earning on sales done by your team as soon as you have one person under you, while in Avon you can start earning as a sales leader only when you have 5 people in your team.
Oriflame has 19 levels in leadership positions, while in Avon there are 4 levels in leadership positions.
Oriflame gives approx. 7 crores in bonus as one reaches the highest level, while in Avon the bonus amount is under 5 lakhs.
Oriflame offers on the spot pick up of products from its offices, while in Avon this facility is not available.
Joining fee in Oriflame is 299 and in Avon you can join free as Representative and for joining as a leader you pay Rs 500.
In Oriflame all consultants can recruit other consultants, in Avon only Leaders can recruit, Representatives can not recruit others.
In Oriflame you can send sms to all your team members, in Avon you can't.
In Oriflame you can order anytime, any number of orders, in Avon you can order 4 times a month.
Oriflame has 2-3 days order cycle, while Avon has 7 days order cycle.
Potential income at highest leadership level as per the minimum required structure for that level is approx. 3.5 Crores per year in Oriflame and in Avon it is approx. 25 lakh per year.
These points are based on my own calculations, openions, experience and observations. I've tried to be as objective as possible. These points are subject to change based on the changes made by both companies in their product, process, compensation and incentive plans. If you would like to contribute by adding content to this post please write to me on jashmiw@gmail.com or add a comment below.
Representatives of Avon and Oriflame
- Oriflame Consultant
Bhavna is an Oriflame consultant in Mumbai. - Avon Leader
Mrs. Anjani is a retired school teacher and is a Avon Leader from Mumbai. She can be contacted on anjaniavon@rediffmail.com