Oriflame Success Stories from India: My Journey in Oriflame India from a Consultant to Director!
Recognition Event in Mumbai
How I started as an Oriflame Consultant in Mumbai
I loved Oriflame products. I joined Oriflame on insistence by my sponsor Mrs Geeta. She told me to circulate 20 catalogues. From my first month with Oriflame made it a practice to buy 20 catalogues and give it to friends, colleagues and neighbors. Some of friends ordered products from me and some of them joined my team.
One day my Upline Leader Mrs Mehta called me and told me that the money in is in recruiting and training new consultants and helping them grow. So I started to reach out to them and support them in every way I could.
After 3 months, I resigned from my job. I had reached 12% which is known as the Manager Level in Oriflame. Although my income was not as much as my salary, I was sure that if I could become a Oriflame Manager while working part time, I could easily reach Senior Manager level if I did Oriflame business full time.
Some of my friends, relatives and colleagues laughed at me but I was determined to make it big in Oriflame. I wanted to be successful. I wanted write my own my success story in Oriflame. I knew that one day I would make my dream come true.
What's Your Inspiration
What was your reason for Joining Oriflame?
The Reason for my Growth... from Consultant to Manager and Senior Manager Levels
Finally, I had my own business, I was my own boss and I could decide how much I want to work, when I want to work and how long I wanted to work! I set my goal to earn more than my Salary and to become a Senior Manager in Oriflame.
I attended all the training programs that were available in Oriflame. I used all the business tools. I got certified as a Beauty Consultant and Business Trainer. I conducted Step 1 and Step 2 Training for people in my team who were determined to get success in Oriflame. I participated in the Oriflame Leadership Academy and started using the Oriflame's SARPIO System to get faster success. I started to recruit, train and develop new Oriflame Consultants in Mumbai, Thane, Navi Mumbai and Pune.
My success story became possible because I was not afraid to work. I put a lot of effort and time to reach the 21% or Senior Manager level and finally reached there within a year by following the guidance of my upline leader. Similarly as a upline leader I guided people in my team who were serious about success.
I was focused. I was determined. I was so happy to see my photo in the Oriflame Newsletter and I was happy to be recognized on stage in front of a hall full of people for making my Oriflame success story real. I was really happy that I was now earning more than the salary I was getting in my job.
At higher levels You can Qualify for Amazing Free Foreign Trips with Oriflame! If you dare to dream, you can achieve it...!
My next Success came when I moved from Senior Manager to Director Level in Oriflame
My next goal was to become a Director in Oriflame. I knew that my previous experience is going to help me. I already has a lot of success in Oriflame. My confidence level was high. I was taking action everyday.
I wanted to give my best effort to reach my goal. I had reached a point in the business where there was no looking back. I believed in the company, I believed in the products, I believed in my upline leader Mrs Mehta and I believed in my self. I had complete support of my husband and my family.
I was learning all the time, everyday. I was becoming a different person - more responsible, more in control and more confident. I knew that I could do anything. Oriflame has been an exciting journey so far and it has not only made me more prosperous but also a better person.
I was able to balance work and life with such ease that my ex-colleagues were now proud of me for taking such a bold decision. Some of them have also joined my team now. My success has made them proud of me. It is an amazing feeling.
As I was writing this Oriflame India success story, I was in my last month of qualification for being a Director in Oriflame. I knew I will be recognized at the end of the month as an Oriflame Director. Now, you can see the photograph of my recognition on this page.
For me it is an important milestone. My upline Mrs Mehta reminded me after this event that this is just the beginning. I want to thank her because without her this would not have been possible. She continues to guide me and with her support I am sure I can grow to higher levels in Oriflame.
My next goal is to help all those people in my team who want to make a career in Oriflame to reach Manager, Senior Manager, Director level and beyond. I spend most of my time in guiding, coaching and mentoring the rising stars in my team.
Mrs Jashmi
Oriflame Director