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Practicing Career Professionalism, Part 7

Updated on February 9, 2011




HUMAN DIGNITY – consciousness of the basic right of all human beings to have respect and to have their basic needs met, so that each person has the opportunity to develop full potential.

DIGNITY OF LABOUR – respect and appreciation for all forms of work recognizing their contributions to both the individual’s self-fulfillment and to societal progress and development.

1. HEALTH AND HARMONY WITH NATURE – refer to holistic health, a state of physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual well -being and the symbiotic relationship between humans and the natural environment entailing the duty to care of their health and protect other forms of life on earth as stewards of the environment.

2. TRUTH AND WISDOM – truth and wisdom are the ultimate goals of intellectual development. Love of truth implies the constant search of knowledge. Wisdom is the ability to discern and understand the deepest meanings and values in life and to act accordingly.

3. LOVE AND COMPASSION – love is committed to the good of the whole human person. It includes love for one self as well as for others. Love seeks the good of another person without expecting anything in return. Compassion is being sensitive to the needs and suffering of others and actively finding ways to improve their condition.

4. CREATIVITY – is the capacity for original thought and expression that brings new ideas and images into a practical and concrete reality in ways that did not previously exist.

5. PEACE AND JUSTICE – peace are not merely the absence of violence but the presence of respect, tolerance, trust, mutual understanding, cooperation, justice, and freedom. Justice is a cornerstone of piece which is based on the recognition of the universality of human rights.

6. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT – sustainable development involves striving for environment protection, equitable sharing of social and economic well-being, security and self-sufficiency at the local, national, regional and global levels, and seeking peace with oneself and with others. It is sustainable when it is continuing and independent, ensuring the welfare of present and future generation.

  1. NATIONAL UNITY AND GLOBAL SOLIDARITY – national unity is the consciousness of common national identity and cultural heritage amidst differences in language, religion, culture, and political beliefs, and the commitment to work together towards a nation’s development. Global solidarity refers to the cooperation and just relationships between and among nations in the economic, social, and political spheres.

activity sheet No. 2

work values and ethics


1. Demonstrate personal and work values.


Activity sheet




  1. Divide the group into a smaller group.
  2. The group will make a role play on personal and work values seen in the company setting.
  3. Evaluate the group presentation.

self - check No. 2

work values and ethics

Check your mastery of work values and ethics by completing question/task below:

1. Enumerate personal and work values and give examples.


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