Preparing to Quit Your Day Job to Work From Home
You want to be your Own Boss
You hate your job. You’re going to quit your job and work from home. No more people to answer to. No boss to answer to other than yourself. You want to be your own boss. No more nasty colleagues you can’t get along with.
No more having to be afraid of asking for special permission for some time off to go and support your children at their school academic functions, school cultural functions, or school sports functions. No more having to wonder if your child is really sick enough or hurt enough to be taken to the doctor after you beg your boss to give you the time off.
No more working like crazy and doing excellent work for no reward or recognition. When you quit your day job to work from home you’re always going to be rewarded for excellent work in the form of increased earnings. because you know that the harder you work, the more you will earn.
Not so fast.
Do not be fooled into thinking that preparing to quit your day job to work from home takes just 5 minutes. Of course it’s the dream of everyone who is stuck in a lousy job to simply walk up to their boss to say “I quit” and then walk out, but you’ll be making a huge mistake if you are not first fully prepared.
Working From Home on Your Computer
Questions you should be asking yourself
(and answering) if you are preparing to quit your day job to work from home:
- What if my work from home idea doesn’t work out? Do I have a list of other work from home ideas to consider trying out?
- Have I really done enough research and analysis of the pros and cons related to what I want to do from home?
- Have I done competitor analysis and target market research? What do the results show me? Does my idea have a good chance of making me an adequate income?
- How much will it cost to offer the services I plan to offer? How much will it cost to buy or make the products I plan to sell?
- How much will I charge for my services or products? Is it worth it? Will I have enough time to create the necessary amounts of items I wish to sell each month, as well as spend time marketing what it is I do?
- Do I have enough money saved up to cover basic monthly living expenses and accounts if it takes a while for my work from home business to generate enough income? Will my work from home business start generating enough income before my savings run out? If I can’t earn enough money quickly enough, do I really have enough savings to tide me over until I do earn more, or do I at least have a plan B?
- Especially while my work from home business is just starting out, or still growing, how hard am I prepared to work? Will I miss having evenings and weekends off?
- How will I advertise my work from home business? How long will it take to get enough exposure using free advertising methods? How much money will I have to spend to use quick but expensive advertising methods?
- Will my service clients or product buyers understand when there are delays in production or in my availability due to unforeseen emergency or family circumstances?
- Will I be able to earn enough to still enjoy the little luxuries I usually enjoy?
- Can I be nice to all my service clients and product buyers even when they’re not nice to me?
- How much do I need to be earning before I need to register my business or myself for paying taxes?
- How will I operate my business – as a CC or as an independent contractor?
- If I’m already working from home in my spare time, have I done the maths to calculate whether or not working from home fulltime will earn me enough?
- Have I been nice to my boss and colleagues in case I need to ask for my job back, or get a good reference?
How many of you have you quit your job to work from home?
Have you quit your job to work from home?
Getting Started
People who want to quit their jobs are usually very unhappy in their jobs, and even often really depressed. Being depressed can prevent people from thinking clearly or doing anything about their predicament.
When you get home from your lousy job today or tomorrow, go take a walk, even in your own garden or just around the block. Start thinking about taking some notes and formulating a plan.
Start a work from home idea in your spare time, and if you’re pretty sure you could eventually work from home fulltime, you can feel much happier about starting to prepare to quit you day job.
Also, don’t quit your day job for the wrong reasons. A simple discussion with your boss may sort out the problems you’re having. You’re unhappy and hate being unhappy. Take the steps to sort it out. Just start. Just take one step at a time.