Put Your Goals to Work
If you have already taken the time to set goals for yourself, have you also applied action to those goals to see them come to fruition? Setting goals is important, but making sure you set reasonable goals that are doable is as equally important. Here are some ways to make sure your goals are working.
Planning produces follow-through.
Are you planning sessions producing results? If not, you might need to ask yourself if your planning is worthless. Creating a solid plan in the beginning will most definitely set the tone for success. Be sure you are actually able to follow through with what you plan to accomplish.
Goals without actions are useless.
Do your goals excite you to the point that you can get up and get moving on your own without prompting from anyone else? Your goals should generate a feeling of anticipation that makes you look forward to the work.
Good goals can be broken down into measurable action steps.
If you can’t seem to get started with your goals, maybe it is because they aren’t conducive to action. Take a look at your goals. Can you pull each goals and create 3-5 actionable steps you can take to reach that individual goal? If not, you probably need to start over. You should be able to break down each of your goals into action steps that will lead you to the next one.
Create a daily work plan.
Finally, your goals should fall into line with a daily work plan. Create a schedule to follow to reach your goals. Set firm dates of when you want to accomplish each goal, then draw up your action steps accordingly. A daily work plan will not only help to keep you motivated, but it will help keep you on course so you don’t slack or procrastinate on any of your goals.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2008 Hope Wilbanks