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Re-visiting Social Responsibility in Business

Updated on July 31, 2014

Re-visiting Social Responsibility in Business

Volume 7, Issue 2, July 31, 2014

During the planning phases of creating and developing a business plan we re-visit the enculturation of issues, events, notions, ideas, and the perceived nature of how an enterprise conducts business and how it is reflective in our plans, bylaws, rules, statutes, restrictions, operations manuals, employee manuals, and the social responsibility of the company or enterprise who are privy to the issues as they relate to the enculturation of the business plan.

We enjoin our beliefs with both the response bias and the belief bias and it weighs more heavily on the belief bias of the enculturation effect. The reason is the owner or the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the other officers have injected their belief systems in its development and whether it be an experience in society, or in business. It is reflective in the business plan.

The business leader or executive looks at previous experiences and how they have experienced humanity and the events that took place in day to day business. The exposure we receive is engrained in our memories of how we participated and performed in business situations and in a very personal way in life, particularly our social environment. Interactions and business deals are what stand out and the memory of what are perceived cognitively by each of us of what played out in the events in our lives and business, including the interchange and how we were treated and shown the human experience and respect throughout the business exchange, it is and will be fused in our minds.

The present environment in business and personally take a front seat in the development of the plans and the business leaders look to what is ethically and morally correct as perceived through the business leaders eyes.

Today, in the United States business leaders have raised the bar in making social responsibility part of an outstanding business enterprise, in addition, to acquiring a business plan that sends a profound statement. The company either sends its message through the mission statement, or in the company profile of just what the company stands for and perceives how they’re business should be conducted.

One of the most profound and one of the most sought after business enterprise missions would be that of a diverse, civil, and highly regarded business interchange oriented business that can do business anywhere internationally and worldwide. A company that we previously talked about in the previous series of Spices, Herbs, and Roots series; ( team selections 4 FIFA games begin) exhibits how FIFA relates to its community and the world. The FIFA organization also exhibits just how humanity and its mission statement coexist in their environment and just how extraordinary and broad-based that this far-reaching enterprise has become (

Why is FIFA extraordinary you ask? It is because the FIFA organization comprises and represents some 209 member organizations worldwide and over 35 countries or nations who are involved in the FIFA world cup competitions whose diversity includes the world and every race and nationality are represented, not just the team and countries, but the people or public are it’s worldwide community. Extraordinarily, it is an open and clear company profile that denotes a clear and concise disclosure of the non-discrimination and fair-play statutes and clauses in their mission statement. and stance in business that sets this organization apart in business. The inclusion in its mission statement sets forth and puts FIFA in front of many enterprises as a Premiere and World Class Business Leader in Business, as it openly sets the stage for its members, participants, and the public at large.

The FIFA organization also gives back to its community, its members, and the public with a highly appreciative and excellent program of development, governance, donations, community involvement, and extraordinary care it exhibits in the world we live in and how it interacts with its public and consumer.

Companies and enterprises have and bare they’re intentions of business enterprises on their company profiles. This is where the public can take a full and candid view of what the company represents and what the company does, and its intentions in a Socially Responsible society.

The United States sets the bar for companies and enterprises in business when it comes to social responsibility and the relationship it has with every consumer including foreign nationals and immigrants. The product that the company has and intends on producing or service it provides is included in the profile statement and you can get a taste of just what the company represents.


Dube, C., Rotello, C.M., Heit, E. (2010). Assessing the belief bias effect with ROCs: It is a response bias effect. Psychological Review, 117 (3); 831-863. Doi:10.1037/a0019634

Evans, J. St. B.T., Barston, J.L. & Pollard, P., (1983). On the conflict between logic and belief in syllogistic reasoning. Memory & cognition 11, 295-306


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