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Key Success Factors, Tools & Tips – Part 3

Updated on September 21, 2023
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Jo Anne, founder of Inspired 4 U Publications, publishes books for clients and also her own poetry, self-help, and relationship books.

The SMART Formula

Part 3 of the key success factors, tools and tips discussed by Jeffrey Vincent Noble on his Free Sunday evening tele-seminars cover the S.M.A.R.T Formula, ABC Goals, and the Cleansing Law Of Prosperity.


S –Specific. Be specific about goal and state it in a positive way.

M –Measurable and Meaningful to you. Measure your steps so you will know you are moving toward goal; and choose something that you want to do.

A –Attainable. Your relationship with God, your ability to discern what is attainable, and your commitment will determine what is attainable from your clouded limited point of view or from God’s unlimited point of view. Determine how strong your commitment is to attain your goal. What are you willing to sacrifice?

R –Realistic. Similar to attainable in that is your goal realistic to you. Is it a real possibility for you to achieve even if someone else might think it is impossible for you?

T –Towards and Time. Must be moving towards what you want to achieve and set a deadline to when you want to achieve it. Not achieving the goal by the deadline doesn’t mean you failed or should quit. Review and evaluate your process, identify the misstep and reset your date. Never ever quit, do all you can, your silver lining could be just beyond you desire to quit.

The ABC Goal Classification separates goals into three categories as follows:

A – Very comfortable goals that you’ve achieved before and can achieve again.

B – Goals never achieved before, but not beyond your ability attain.

C – Goals that really stretch you, and cause fear and anxiety because they are big, bold and beautiful and you need God to add the supernatural to it in order to achieve it.

Application is the Key

During the teleseminar, Jeff coached one of the participants by applying the SMART Formula to her stated goal:

The participant desires to create a $30,000.00 college fund for her daughter (Specific Goal) within 10 months (Time). The most she ever raised before was $5000.00. She classifies this $30,000.00 goal as a C goal, but already has $7000.00 saved (Towards) and is fully committed and passionate about helping her daughter realize this shared dream (Meaningful). To achieve the goal of $23,000.00 in 10 months, she will need to raise $2300.00 per month or $82.00 per day (Measurable). She could reach this goal by having 200 friends, family members, and supporters gift her with $115.00 each (Attainable and Realistic). Breaking goals down to their smallest possible fraction makes them seem more attainable.

Now it's time to create positive affirmations and visualizations that support the goal. Visualize yourself achieving this goal. What will you see, feel, and hear? What are you doing and with who? Be repetitive, allowing it to sink into you consciousness.

In the exercise, the mom felt like a Queen, excited, and successful; she heard “thank you” and gratitude from daughter; and she took her daughter out to celebrate and talk with her. She would also visualize money coming in everyday from every which way.


Clearing The Clutter

The Cleansing Law of Prosperity – To clear your mind of negative thinking and your home environment of clutter, clean your home and remove the unnecessary things that you no longer use or wear. Clean out your refrigerator, closets, clothes and past junk with an intention of making room for prosperity and clear space and mind to receive a blessing. Make it a symbolic action and imagine yourself throwing out negative thoughts or beliefs about self with each item you throw out or give away. Also, you can burn various incense in your home: sandalwood, sage, and frankincense and myrrh – and explore what you experience when using the different ones.

"I now let go of worn out things, worn out conditions and worn out relationships. Divine order is now established in me and in my world." - Catherine Ponder

To achieve your goals and prepare for prosperity, write down clear specific goals and develop a plan of action that includes ridding yourself of conditions, people and things that no longer serve you. Classify your goal and determine if it is within your control or dependent on other people to achieve. Normally when you set a goal, you want it to be within your control. Set your goals accordingly and apply the SMART formula, adding the affirmations, visualizations, and emotions from the WAVEEE formula to support you. Also, get rid of what you do not want or need in your life to make room for the good that you do want.

Be Blessed,

Jo Anne Meekins

Inspired 4 U Publications

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2011 Jo Anne Meekins


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