The Wrong Career Choice
Career Choices
How Many Career Changes In A Lifetime?
No one really knows. None the less, based on my experience I think it is safe to say that we change careers a minimum of 3 to 5 times. Jobs are changed more frequently.
Consider a career to be a vocation of long time duration requiring a college education or a trained skill. A job is earning income from any source which may require no training, brief on-the-job instructions, or a short two-day information session.
Why change career choice?
- The first choice may have been a mistake. The wrong career selection may have been made during high school or college while in our idealistic thinking.
- The second choice may be based on personal or financial circumstances. Selecting a money making career is right for some people and a wrong career choice for others.
- The third choice may have been through peer pressure or the probability choice for the future which never materialized.
Schooling Today - Career Tomorrow
Career Research
Making a career choice is extremely important and many of us do our research and investigate schools which will teach the knowledge needed to prepare us for our chosen career. The first career starts in our youth and as we mature and interests change other careers beckon us.
Most of us know of classmates who knew exactly what they wanted to be when they grew up and that is exactly what they did and continue to be in the same profession. But the majority of us will make career changes. With each change we investigate requirements.
Career Information:
- Schools, Colleges, and Universities
- Career Libraries
- Books, DVDs, Internet
- Public and private career counselors
- U.S Department of Labor
Do not be disheartened when making career changes. It makes life more interesting and exciting. Each change offers a new chapter in our life and lifestyle.
Dirty Work
Career Versus Job
A career is a profession which one commits for a lifetime. We are satisfied with our coworkers, our employers, a wonderful lifestyle, and financial satisfaction. A career may involve working for another or being self-employed. We love going to work or it fulfills a passion.
Jobs, on the other hand, are short time commitments to gain experience and/or help fill a financial need.
Jobs are usually short-term commitments because we are generally not happy or have a personal interest in the job at hand.
- It is a temporary investment of our time and labor for dollars.
- Jobs can be part-time or full time participation.
- It can be used as an experiment because we have never done this type of work.
- Temporary employment searching for new interests.
A person may have many jobs in a lifetime.
Influential Friends
Parents and Friends Influence Decisions:
Parents may have selected your vocation with or without your approval. We agree with their advice and make the wrong career choice.
- Our family has always followed the medical field, therefore you will study to become a doctor.
- Our family has a history of the military. You will become a military officer.
Your best friend wants to pursue an education in preparation to be an engineer and you want to do the same because you want to be just like your friend.
If parents and friends have not influenced us then we may be guided by outside powers of persuasions.
- A character in a movie. We may want to be like a famous person, a celebrity, or a super hero.
- Attended a vocational meeting and decided to try the opportunity being offered.
3 Reasons For Many Job Changes
- You do not know who you are or what you want. Sometimes this happens to people. For whatever reason, finding satisfactory employment has been a challenge. It will be worthwhile to meet with a professional occupational counselor and invest in tests which should help to guide you.
- You have not researched the types of careers available which would fit your personality traits, skills, talents, and aptitudes. You will always have plenty of jobs, but no real security or the wonderful lifestyle of your everyday dreams. Employment will be a struggle. There will be no comfortable retirement.
- You do not 'fit in' or feel comfortable with your coworkers. There are 2 options for this particular problem.
Option One: Make a list of your education, skills, and talents. Explore becoming your own employer and start a business.
Option Two: Are you an entrepreneur? Explore opportunities in trade magazines. Read books about being an entrepreneur. Take tests to explore this option.
My Choices
Avoid Making Wrong Career Choices.
- Know your personal interest or passion. Are you willing to pursue it for many years?
- Select a career choice. Research it. Does it have diversification or advancement?
- Will you like the lifestyle and the people?
Our passions can change through the years. That is why I say we make at least 3 career changes. However, these changes have been to our advantage; no ill suffering for these decisions. We will feel truly blessed whether we have one career, two, or three.
After selecting and researching your career choice and have decided that it offers diversification or advancements this may be the only choice that you may make.
You decided on the entertainment field. You start as an actor, later a director, and then a producer. These were 3 changes within one career choice. Each change required different skills and talents which offered variety and advancement. This is a career which gave you choices to master one or pursue other income positions but in the same area of interest.
Regardless of whether you work for another or become self-employed sharing your labor time with people you enjoy and living your lifestyle choice is rewarding and satisfying.
Frustrated, Worried, and Depressed
Career Disappointments
It seems to me that the people who are the most disappointed in their career choice are those who have attended college, pursued their career, and then discovered they made the wrong choice.
These people find it more difficult to make a career change because:
- Much time and large amounts of money have been invested in their education
- Coping with resentment from parents and some friends when you tell them of your decision to make a career change
- Unpaid school loans and other financial responsibilities
- The uncertainty of being employed
- The expenses of returning to school if necessary to make a new change
- Changes in family lifestyle
- Need for benefits provided with the current employment
Passion Determines Career
When to Change Careers
When you are not happy or satisfied with your career choice you will notice signs of frustration, no job interest, it takes greater effort to get the work done, lack of sleep, nerves on edge, depression. And before you walk off the job start thinking about your next career.
Sit down with yourself and make a list of what you would like to do and how you think it can be accomplished. If single you only have to answer to yourself.
If married sit down with your partner and have a family discussion for a plan of action. A career change which will affect the family lifestyle needs to be discussed with your partner.
Success and Happiness
Life is too short
Many hours are spent before, during, and after our place of employment.
- grooming
- travel
- working hours
- special meetings
- and other miscellaneous items which are required of you for the job.
Life is too short to be miserable.
It is a wiser to undo the wrong career choice and support your passion towards a new and more satisfying career. There is much more happiness and success in working in a career which you love and enjoy.