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The Most Effective Fire Test of Attaining a Life of an Achiever!!

Updated on June 8, 2020

Robert Harold Schuller, an American Christian televangelist, pastor, motivational speaker, and author who was principally known for the weekly Hour of Power television program, which he began in 1970 and hosted until 2010, once shared, ‘High achievers spot rich opportunities swiftly, make big decisions quickly and move into action immediately. Follow these principles and you can make your dreams come true.’ But initially, being an achiever is much more than what you do. It roots from what you are in the first place.

It depends on what traits you start with. Whenever you are posed with a problem that makes you ask yourself a question, ‘Am I doing all I can to be an achiever?’ you should follow The Rule of 3 to guide you through this predicament. This rule is a set of questions that you have to ask yourself when you are examining yourself on the measure of becoming an achiever. It is like a fire test that you have to complete to become what you want to.

Test 1: Self exploration: What are the three new things you have found about yourself in the past year, that have been a life changer for you? Such discoveries and the subsequent reporting of them help you know yourself better and help you to better align yourself towards your goals. You must explore yourself continuously and keep on detecting the good as well as the bad traits that help you or keep you from achieving your objectives.

What is more important, being an achiever or living a life of mediocrity?

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Test 2: Self improvement: What are the three things you improved in yourself in the past year? After self exploration comes self improvement. Whatever bad you find in yourself must be improved as quickly as possible.

Test 3: Self refinement: What are the three things you created in the past year? When you have improved upon your bad traits it is time to hone your best skills. You must never leave the hand of creativity; make it your best friend.

Test 4: Pursuing your goals: What are the three goals, small or large, that you identified and achieved in the past two years? Once the phase of self exploration, improvement and refinement are over, you are ready to pursue and achieve your goals. No matter how much you struggle, at no time during the preparation process must you take your eyes off your goals.

The time when you will be able to answer all these questions with an indubitable enthusiasm, you would have graduated from the lifestyle of an ordinary person to that of a person ready to live a life of an achiever. Continuous self examining and testing helps us stretch our limits.

Golda Meir, who was an Israeli teacher, kibbutznik (kibbutz is a collective community in Israel that was traditionally based on agriculture), politician and the fourth Prime Minister of Israel and Israel's first woman and the world's fourth woman to hold such an office, once noted, ‘Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.’


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