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E-mail Marketing Easy Enough For A Rookie!
Have you ever begun a project and soon realized that you are in over your head? The glaring truth comes crashing in: you are a "rookie" at this! What to do? It reminds me of a scene from one of my favorite original series Star Trek episodes:
Scotty: She’s all yours, sir. All systems automated and ready. A chimpanzee and two trainees could run her!
Captain Kirk: Thank you, Mr. Scott. I’ll try not to take that personally.
In the book The 4-Hour Workweek, author Tim Ferriss talks about systems, automation, and time freedom. In the book, Ferriss talks about setting up your life so that you will have the ability to do what you love in life and not being tied down to a job or any one location. Being time rich - with plenty of income to live the way you want, he says, is much better than being time poor - having money, but no life to enjoy (kind of like most CEOs).
It all comes back to the line from Mr. Scott. It's all about having systems and automation set up so your business practically runs itself. Yes, even if you run it only a few hours a day, or work from anywhere in the world, at the coffee shop, or at your own home.
That would be pretty awesome, wouldn't it? Is it possible for you? Yes, it is - even if you are a rookie! Check out this business course - called the 21 Step Business - to get you started.
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Find out how you too - even if you are a rookie to the internet marketing world - can get your online business started.