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Women's Place Within the Workforce

Updated on July 6, 2020

Women place within the Workforce


The empowerment, and sovereignty of women coupled with the advancement of women's financial and administrative status, is essential for the attainment of transparent and responsible public and private sectors. The balance that exists amidst female and male leadership positions stills remains uneven despite the continuing expansion of merits and chances for women (Carvalho et al., 2019). Gender differences within the level and kind of formal education, and the involvement within the labor force are swiftly vanishing, but the rate of the progression of women into relatively higher positions within organizations is deemed to be relatively slow. Moreover, the rate of women are rising to the corporate ladder is confoundedly slow.

As the prejudice of organizations to integrate female leadership reduces, a review of the attitudes, as well as viewpoints of female leaders, has become pertinent in a bid to comprehend the organizational circumstance and culture, individual features, leadership styles as well as the behavior of the effective female leaders (Carvalho et al., 2019). Even though the glass ceiling is deemed to an impediment to women in terms of career progression, certain women have effectively ascended the corporate hierarchy to attain a relatively upper level despite this underlying barrier. The chief impediment factors of women's progress to the corresponding upward career mobility include cultural factors, and certain adverse factors within the work situation such as wage gap (Livingstone, Pollock & Raykov, 2016).

Cultural factors

Corporate culture typically refers to the underlying values, beliefs as well as standards that are shared by the organizational members, which govern employees' behaviors. Men are archetypally raised to be aggressive and autonomous, while women are raised to be more communal and reliant (Jayatilake, 2016). Education, employment as well as income of the family possess a substantial effect on the women since it has brought financial independence that massively contributes to a woman's assurance and self-esteem, as well as acknowledgment within the public and family.

The majority of organizations typically embody a male managerial culture. Despite the initiation of women into both the workforce and management, as well as the introduction of the fundamental anti-discrimination, equal chance and affirmative action laws, there has been a minimal fundamental alteration to the culture (Carvalho et al., 2019).

The organizational culture impacts on the women ascending to the top positions within the management hierarchy. Organizational culture has not altered considerably in a bid to accommodate women as a fundamental working force.

Situational Factors

Organizational climate such as attitudes has resulted in obstructive as well as discouraging work environments towards women. There exist no wage differentials amongst male and female salary scales regarding the managerial level, and they receive equal pay (Carvalho et al., 2019). Nevertheless, males and females within a similar category within the top positions in the private sector are typically earning a relatively higher salary compared to those within the public sector.

Women still encounter discrimination and are not alike represented within the managerial positions particularly at senior levels, which is deemed to be the biggest obstacle for women's progression to upper echelon management positions. Moreover, gender stereotypes play a chief role in the long-range potential compared to the performance rating.


The chief impediment factors of women's progress corresponding to upward career mobility are cultural and situational. Organizational culture impacts on the women ascending to the top positions within the management hierarchy. Moreover, Women's discrimination, particularly at senior levels, is also an obstacle for women's progression to upper echelon management positions.


Carvalho, I., Costa, C., Lykke, N., & Torres, A. (2019). Beyond the glass ceiling: Gendering tourism management. Annals of Tourism Research, 75, 79-91.

Jayatilake, L. V. (2016). Women managers and their perceived barriers for upward mobility in public and private sectors with special reference to the selected services in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology, 3(2), 64-77.

Livingstone, D. W., Pollock, K., & Raykov, M. (2016). Family binds and glass ceilings: Women managers’ promotion limits in a ‘knowledge economy’. Critical Sociology, 42(1), 145-166.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Michael Omolo


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