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How to Stay Focused and Achieve Your Goals?

Updated on June 3, 2020
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Vikram Brahma is a Digitalpreneur, Author, Blogger, Writer, & YouTuber. He loves to write content & spend time working from home.


If you look into the history of any great man. You will find one common trait among them. They are so focused on achieving their goals. They are passionate and dedicated to their task. So, if you’re looking forward to accomplishing your goal then learn how to stay focused.

It takes time to develop this skill but once you learn to stay focus then you are a laser targeted missile. So, in this article, we are going to see what are the ways through which we can stay focused.

Stay focused
Stay focused

Decide Your Goal and Planning In Detail

It has been said if you can plan in advance then your chances of success go high. Whenever we plan then our confidence level goes high. And this matter is true for any field, be it in cricket, business or war.

By planning, we can know exactly what we have to do and therefore we can focus on important activities. If you want to stay focus then goal setting and planning is the first criteria.

For example, I decided to write up to forty articles for Hubpages, so my planning was to write at least one article every day until I reach forty articles. Remember, there is something unique and powerful about deciding goals and planning in detail.

Stop Multitasking

Being an online digital entrepreneur, I like to spend my time on different online activities. Whether I work for any client or not, almost every day I have my own list of tasks to complete. Usually, I have to divide my schedule every day. But then I have found that multitasking on a single day is not a good way to work and progress.

For example, as a digital entrepreneur, I have to divide my time for blogging (English and Hindi), Print on Demand (POD), writing for Hubpages, YouTube channel and social media promotions etc. So, instead of working on every topic, I now work only on two topics each day. In this way, I can give more focus to each project and complete on time.

Start with most urgent work
Start with most urgent work

Start Your Day With The Most Urgent Task

If you want to achieve 80 to 100% of your daily task then start your day with the most urgent task. This is the only secret of any successful person. Don’t keep any important task pending for afternoon or evening.

For example, if I have to write two articles on any specific day, then I make sure I complete one article before lunchtime. Then I try to complete another article by five pm.

In this way, I can complete the most important tasks of the day. And at night I just spend half an hour and publish my articles. I apply this same formula for all my tasks and this way I can keep myself focused on my work.

Keep Mobile In The Silent Mode

Whenever I have to use the internet, I try to use my father’s internet connection and keep my connection off. In this way, I can focus on my task. There is a simple logic when you will switch on the internet connection you will start getting many messages or social media updates etc. And this will spoil your time and energy.

Therefore, it’s always better to switch off the internet connection or keep mobile in the aeroplane mode. But if you have only one internet connection then check social media accounts, WhatsApp updates only on specific times.

I even don’t spend time watching movies unless there is some deep learning from those movies. There is no room for any masala movies in my life. I believe they are wasting so much of our time and energy.

Review Your Day

Since I am an online digital entrepreneur I always like to plan my tasks. This one activity save lots of time and energy and thereby I can avoid any unnecessary task. My only objective every day is to complete my daily task and it should be on time.

I also like to review my daily task. Around 2:00 pm every day when I restart my task I review my daily work. During my review process, I also check whether I have read five pages or not. During this time I check my social media accounts, WhatsApp status and I even reply to anyone if I have to that’s it.


I have shared five ways through which we can stay focused on our goals. These are my own techniques why I personally use. I have not shared anything which I am not using myself. Plus, keep your environment noise-free.

If it will become your daily habit to stay focused every day towards your goals then you will do miracles. That’s why many successful people say - stay focused for six months and you will be two years ahead in life.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Vikram Brahma


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